I thought I would do something a bit different for Sunday Sunset. These are all barns that I snapped either right before or after sunset.
Notice the skydiver on the right side of the sky.
We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center. A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...
I don't know what it is about barns but I love seeing them. The old and new alike. I'm just drawn to them. These are all wonderful.
I am such a barn lover! These are great sunset pics and I enjoyed them all!
I love to look at barns too - remember in the blogging world when we have Barn Friday - I think - and everyone put a barn on there. Love this.
Oh I love the look of barns! Always have.
Ha, ha, on the barn door open.
I am a Barn lover and each of these are great. I enjoy seeing so many different styles of the old barns.
Good advice from the barn :) I enjoyed your photos as I do love these old barns. Beautiful all of them.
Love the sun on the barns! So beautiful!
This post had so much meaning to me. Grew on a farm in the 60s, our old barn was at least 100 yrs. old. Hand made nails and wood pegs were all about it structure. It was weaving in the wind, and had to come down.
I love seeing barns that are still there when I ever visit home.
That's a beautiful collection. I love old barns too. ❤️
What a neat idea, to take some pictures of the sunset rising and resting on these barns. I love that fifth picture, you can see the sunset so clearly in the distance. And the Header photo is wonderful with the shadows.
Have a very nice week, Ginny.
Barns are a big favorite of mine. I have taken so few photos of them though. They usually are down a single lane road with no place to pull off and shoot. Think I need to go exploring again..maybe I'll find a few new ones.
Its a nice day today so its back out to pull some more weeds in our jungle.
You can never go wrong with a barn photo! They are all wonderful.
I so love the warm glow of the third shot. I always go for the warm evening glow.
Ooooh so lovely, Ginny! The barn with the skydiver is my favorite one. xoxo
Oh the barns are just beautiful. I love them so much. Have agreta week.
Nice barn pictures, and yes, I did notice the sky diver.
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