Thursday, May 23, 2024

Umbrellas & Balloons

 Awhile back, I posted Anne Marie's graduation from Governor's School. Well, last week she graduated from high school! It was outside, and it was cold and drizzling!

We went with her two sisters.

The school orchestra was all ready.

And here come the graduates, walking in to wild applause.

Anne getting her diploma, Honor list, and eight scholarships.

Time to throw their caps in the air. Unfortunately, I only caught two that were airborne!

Through the ceremony, this crow scolded us from the light tops. Next post will be the big party!


Ann said...

Congratulations to Anne Marie. What an exciting time in life for her. How impressive that she got so many scholarships. Does she have specific plans yet?

Mari said...

Congratulations to Anne Marie! She's such a pretty girl, and smart too! 8 scholarships is great!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Not only is Anne Marie beautiful, she is super smart, honors, 2 graduations, 8 scholarships? Wow...has she picked a college yet?

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You are rightly proud of your granddaughter's accomplishments and too bad about the rainy outdoor graduation. Looking forward to the party post next and will you be sharing about Anne Marie's future plans?

photowannabe said...

Congratulations to Anne Marie. She's smart, lovely and so ready to face the world. Happy she has such proud grandparents. That's what its all about.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Congratulations to Anne Marie.
What a pretty girl she is.
I am a little confused about what Governor's School is though. I must have missed a post about it somewhere. I did see the one of that graduation too, and was wondering even while reading that one what it was.

Chatty Crone said...

So is this her second graduation? Is the Governor's School the same as her high school?
Well she has done a FABULOUS job with all those awards.
Does she know what she wants to do in the fall?

HappyK said...

Congratulations again to Anne Marie. Impressive with so many scholarships.

DeniseinVA said...

This makes me smile from first to last photo. Congratulations Anne Marie :) Thank you for sharing this joyous occasion Ginny.

CheerfulMonk said...

Thank you! And congratulations to Anne Marie. Please let us know what she decides to do next.

Rose said...

Congratulations to Anne Marie!

Red Rose Alley said...

What a joyous day for Anne Marie. I love those PURPLE graduation gowns! And the Purple balloons! That is awesome that she made Honor List and received eight scholarships. What a happy day for all. I'm glad you got to join in the celebration, Ginny.


Jenny the Pirate said...

Looks like an exciting day! Congratulations to all! xoxo

The Howling

 We had pulled into the large parking lot of a shopping center.  A dog started barking at us from way on the other side of the lot. I figure...