Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A Birthday

"Seize life! Eat bread with gusto, Drink wine with a robust heart. Oh yes—God takes pleasure in your pleasure! Dress festively every morning. Don't skimp on colors and scarves. Relish life with the spouse you love Each and every day of your precarious life. Each day is God's gift."

Today we celebrated the birthday of our son Michael. I am still staring at this baby picture, wondering how 41 years could have passed in the blink of an eye. He was a sweet, happy little boy, always singing wherever he went. Today he is even sweeter, because he makes the Honey Buns at Little Debbie. He is kind hearted and soft spoken, with his dad's dry wit. I grew up in a family that did not believe in celebrating birthdays. They believed it was an egotistic thing to do. But God paid a great price for us, his own son. So we are worth much in his eyes. Each and every life is surely worth thankful celebrating!

If you must love your neighbor as yourself, it is at least as fair to love yourself as your neighbor. ~Nicholas de Chamfort


Joanne said...

Oh happy Birthday Michael! May God bless you now and always!
Blessings, Joanne

Karin said...

A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Michael! 41 is a good year! May he be blessed from the Lord to bless others! So good you can celebrate God's goodness in giving you a son!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy birthday to Michael! I know how you feel, Ginny--children seem to grow up too quickly. It is so good to celebrate each and every day!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Happy Birthday to your son Michael! I understand how you feel about time passing so swiftly. My daughter will be 40 next year. It's hard to believe.
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

SquirrelQueen said...

Happy Birthday Michael!

You chose some great quotes to celebrate the event Ginny. The time does fly by, one day a toddler the next a grown up. It seems like just yesterday I met the five year old that would be my stepdaughter, now she is 21.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday wishes to Michael.

Ginny, wishing you all a wonderful Christmas.

Alice said...

Happy Birthday Michael!

I love your thoughts here and that quote is awesome.

Arti said...

Obviously Michael has inherited the qualities from You and Phil, he too is kind hearted and soft spoken like you both...
Even we do not celebrate birthdays at our home, we go to the temple in the morning and do charity.
Loved your header.
Wish you a very Happy Birthday Michael, keep smiling. God Bless:)

pam said...

Happy birthday to your son! It is amazing how fast time goes. May God's favor rest on him this year!
I liked your quote. I've always said that if we don't KNOW that God loves us and thus really love ourselves well that it would be hard to love our neighbor. Ginny I hope your Christmas is wonderful with much joy and wonderment!

From the Kitchen said...

Happy Birthday to Michael!! He looks like a joy to be around--then and now!

Wishing you all a merry Christmas and a healthy and happy new year.


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy birthday Michael!!

Bobbie said...

Oh Ginny, Michael was a beautiful baby!! And what a fine young man you've raised. Happy birthday Michael!!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Birthdays are special and I glad you got to celebrate with your son.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the verse, love the quote and love the photos, old and new. Happy Birthday Michael. yummm on the honey buns. what a great job. Merry Christmas sister mine,

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Happy birthday to your son and may he be blessed with many more.

Merry Christmas to you and your family!!

Fred Alton said...

Happy Birthday to Michael! And I say, celebrate each year with thanksgiving!

Stephanie V said...

Isn't it amazing how those years just wink by? Happy birthday to Michael...sounds like he takes after his parents in personality.

George said...

Happy Birthday to Michael.

Reanaclaire said...

Happy Birthday to your son Michael!! Yes,time does fly and we are getting younger each year.. LOL

Reena said...

Happy Birthday Michael! Where do the years go??? Hope you and yours have a merry holiday!

photowannabe said...

My wishes of the best birthday ever to your son Michael too.
You must thank him for making those Honey Buns too...yumm, my favorite.
Isn't it amazing how fast the time goes when we look at our kids and realize they are not our sweet babies anymore.
Love your version of Ecc. 9.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, Happy Birthday to your handsome son.. My 3 sons are 48, 41 and 40 now... Mercy--where has time gone????

Merry Christmas.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

oOPS... I'm late to the party but I'm here to wish that handsome Michael a very happy birthday!

My boy turned a whoppin' 37 the 18th...I can't for the life of me figure out how they got that old!

God bless and have a bright and beautiful Christmas sweetie!!!


Filip Demuinck said...

If you look at these pictures, you realise that time goes fast.


Ann said...

wishing Michael a very happy birthday

S. Etole said...

A belated Happy Birthday to your son. He's just a mite younger than mine. What a joy they are.

Christmas blessings to you and yours, Ginny.

Marie said...

Happy Birhtday to Michael!
Both pics are wonderful! Lovely verse and quote! I will be 42 next year and I can't believe it. :) Hope you and you're family are having a happy holiday!
Merry Christmas Ginny!

Tracy said...

Happy Birthday to you dear son, and am thankful God gave his son for us...thanks for the beautiful reminder Ginny! and blessings to you and yours this Christmas.

Shug said...

Happy Birthday Michael....We celebrated our granddaughters birthday yesterday....Lots of December birthdays...

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I like his mouth, does he still smile like this?

41 years , wow,

Lynn said...

A belated Happy Birthday to Michael. Such a precious baby photo and there is still such a strong resemblance in the man today. Such a nice picture of the three of you. So he was indeed a wonderful Christmas gift to you 41 years ago. My first child was born Jan 17 and all her life she so disliked having Christmas and then her birthday less than a month apart. Then two out of three of her sons are also born in Jan. Kevin 18th, Dylan 28th. She will be 38 in Jan. Yikes! I certainly don't feel that old to you Ginny? A very Merry Christmas to you and your precious family.

Lynn said...

A belated Happy Birthday to Michael. Such a precious baby photo and there is still such a strong resemblance in the man today. Such a nice picture of the three of you. So he was indeed a wonderful Christmas gift to you 41 years ago. My first child was born Jan 17 and all her life she so disliked having Christmas and then her birthday less than a month apart. Then two out of three of her sons are also born in Jan. Kevin 18th, Dylan 28th. She will be 38 in Jan. Yikes! I certainly don't feel that old to you Ginny? A very Merry Christmas to you and your precious family.

Anonymous said...

Belated birthday wishes to Michael! You're truly blessed!

Chatty Crone said...

What an adorable baby boy and a handsome man.

Happy birthday to your son!

Merry Christmas.


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