Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Case Of The Missing Piggy

Here are more of our ornaments, and finally, the TREE!! But something funny is going on, something strange is afoot! See the sliver pig in my last picture? I posted him yesterday, too, and many of you really liked him! He is my only pig ornament, and a fine one. He has a glass ball for a tail, a long snout, and crystal ears. I hung him front and center on the tree. And now he is GONE! Gone, as in missing, flown the coop, can't find, disappeared...We looked beneath the tree, and even in some gift bags, in case he fell into one. No luck. As I go around the house, I listen for the faint sound of oinking or grunting, perhaps some tiny hoofprints, but nothing. It remains a mystery...

“This mystery has been kept in the dark for a long time, but now it's out in the open…The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, so therefore you can look forward to sharing in God's glory. It's that simple. That is the substance of our Message. We preach Christ, warning people not to add to the Message.” 
Colossians 1


Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

May be it flew to my sis in Australia. LOL. My sis loves pigs.

SquirrelQueen said...

A mystery? I love a good mystery! Perhaps he heard you were planning on having ham for Christmas dinner and ran away. No wait, he is glass so no reason for fear.

Here piggy, piggy.

I hope you find that pretty little fellow Ginny.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Hum... this is strange... I hope you find what happen to it. I know another blogger had a pillow to just vanish and she has been looking for it for months. Keep us posted on the missing piggy.

From the Kitchen said...

No!! I loved your shiny pig. I do know, however, that Virginia pigs know they can end up as a delicious ham. He's probably heard the same and headed for another state.


Alice said...

I'm sorry he's missing! What a keep us posted.

BTW, your wall behind the tree looks exactly like what I did with my living room walls.

It makes a very warm backdrop.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Have you asked the grandkids.....


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am to far away for me to have taken it, although i might have considered it if i were there. were there any little elves visiting yesterday, the ones named Ella Bella and Ann Marie? or did you search Phil? now the mystery will keep me UP all night. did someone climb in the window during the night and steal your pig ornament? did you check the local pawn shops?

Hootin Anni said...

Honest.....just like the Snoopy cartoon from long wasn't ME!!! I didn't take it.

I love the association you've chosen to share with us. Very deep and profound.

Yes, VIRGINIA is my Friday post...if you can, come on over for a visit. And, have a terrific day.

Karin said...

I sure hope he'll be bac-on the tree before you know it, the little ham, maybe just stepped out for a smoke!

Stephanie V said...

Too funny! I love the idea of you listening for his/her? little oinks. Have you enlisted the girls' help? I think they would be good at finding tiny glass pigs. Do let us know where this little pig wandered off to.

barbara l. hale said...

I hope you find your missing piggy. He's a beauty. I have a flying pig on my tree, a gift from my sister. I had better check to make sure he is still there.

Anonymous said...

Maybe his oinks aren't loud enough right now...he's taking his time for you to find him.:)

George said...

Perhaps he thought you were going to serve ham for Christmas and decided to get away while the getting was good. If you post a menu with turkey on it, I'm sure he'll come back. I hope he does, because he sure is a cutie.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

lol.....where o where has the little piggy gone...o where o where can he your tree and decorations

Neal said...

You have some beautiful ornaments.

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi Ginny. Love the gold theme of your tree. It's just like the golden glow of our Lord.

Cindy Adkins said...

Oh gosh, I hope you find it!!! Merry Christmas to you!!! Your decorations are gorgeous!!!
I'm your newest follower and it's so nice to meet you!!!

Marie said...

Your tree is so pretty! It's absolutely glowing! That little pig is adorable and I sure hope you find him. :)

S. Etole said...

What pretty, light-filled decorations. I hope you find the little pig ornament soon.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Wow, your ornaments and tree are gorgeous. I do hope piggy shows up soon,before he gets into trouble. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Okay your tree is beautiful - with white lights and so many beautiful ornaments. Quite lovely. sandie

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Now that is a true mystery! Do you happen to have a cat? We had a cat long ago that could not stop playing with the ornaments - but then I guess you would see a fallen ornament. So like you said - a mystery afoot! HA! Have a great weekend!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful tree and beautiful ornaments! I hope you find the missing piggy!

DawnTreader said...

Did you check the whole tree to make sure someone did not just move it to another branch...?

Ann said...

you have some beautiful ornaments on your tree. I wonder what could have happened to the pig though. A Christmas mystery. Hope it gets solved soon

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Dear Ginny,

Haha. No, it's not a lawn mower. It's just a quad bike which farmers use to get around the farm.

New Zealand Santa James.

Quad bikes are very common in farms and the beach here. Even children ride them. Ann

Lynn said...

Ginny, Your tree is gorgeous. Are the decorations antiques? They look very breakable and just so beautiful. Missing pig? Too funny. I do think he is afraid he will be Christmas dinner. I also think the granddaughters helped him escape. They have such kind hearts. Keep us posted.

Mystery Flowers.

 I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...