Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Black Swan

I found these gourds at the grocery store a couple months ago, and was astounded by them. Why, they were swans! I could even perhaps put on my own presentation of Swan Lake with them! Well, O.K., maybe I was a bit TOO excited. But when the lady who works in the produce section came over and I showed her what I saw, she got excited and ordered more! There are over 700 species of gourds, and I believe these are the ones called Goose Gourds, because of their long necks. I believe this type is not eaten, but used for decoration. There are no two alike, just like people!

"The sacred writings contain preliminary reports by the prophets on God's Son... his unique identity as Son of God was shown by the Spirit when Jesus was raised from the dead, setting him apart as the Messiah, our Master. Through him we received both the generous gift of his life and the urgent task of passing it on to others who receive it by entering into obedient trust in Jesus. You are who you are through this gift and call of Jesus Christ!"
Romans 1


Nature Rambles said...

OMG, when I saw your post title I never imagined this! So unique, so amazing!! Beautiful "swans" indeed!!

DawnTreader said...

Wow, they really do look like swans! Did you buy them all, I mean the ones in your photos?

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

You are amazing, you find the neatest things. I have never seen this type of gourd. Truly Swan Lake in your kitchen.

Arti said...

Very unique, never seen them here in India. They really resemble the swans!!!
Have a wonderful week ahead Ginny:)

Tanna said...

Now, that is amazing~ Thank you for introducing us to goose (swan) gourds!! blessings ~ tanna

Alice said...

I've never seen anything like these!

Bobbie said...

They do look like swans... this is the first time I've seen any like this!!

Neal said...

Very unique and interesting.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

never ever seen any like this before, did you paint or decorate them? or did the come just like this. amazing to me and they do look like geese/swans. so did you paint the black one? is that a black gourd? you do find totally amazing stuff every where you go.

From the Kitchen said...

You have me humming selections of Swan Lake this morning. I think you have quite an eye for "things"!!


Karin said...

Thanks for the memories! We had families of gorgeous swans on the pond in front of the castle in the town where I lived in Germany before we left for Canada! Have never ever seen so many swans again in this country or yours. That was in 1954!!

Chatty Crone said...

I would love to see you do Swan Lake with them!

They are adorable - I could see the swan in them the first thing.

And your right - we are all different - isn't that a miracle Heaven sent?

Love, sandie

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You have such a creative eye! Very cool!

Remington said...
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Remington said...

They DO look like swans! COOL! You can find almost anything in a grocery store!

Lynn said...

They are incredible! Like everyone has said they really do look like swans! I never saw anything like these. You my friend manage to find the most interesting things.
Thank you for your sweet comments on my recent posts. That beach is Daytona Beach Shores (the quiet end of Daytona Beach) It is our special place as we went on our honeymoon there and try to get back once a year at least for a couple days. Blessings during this season of Miracles.

Hootin Anni said...

Absolutely, without any doubt...these are inCREDible!!!

Mary Bergfeld said...

The "swans" were amazing find, Ginny. They are really lovely. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Fred Alton said...

Beautiful gourds, Ginny! I've never seen one before. Unique, for sure.

Stephanie V said...

Absolutely wonderful. The green and white one is my favorite. But they're all amazing...good eye you have!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Never seen anything like it. They look so much like Swans,my granddaughter took one look and said,they look like swans.

George said...

These are great finds! I would love to see your presentation of 'Swan Lake'. Your photos show exactly how much these gourds do look like swans (or geese).

LC said...

Ginny thank you for kind words . i will be thinking of you during this season.

The gourds are a major wow! Will take me awhile to catch up on your previous posts!

God bless!

Deborah said...

Hi Ginny, Thank you for praying for Penny, we have been so worried, I am hoping for the best with an infection she is just so sick though. It scares me.
I love these gourds. You have the best imagination ever! You and your granddaughter must have a blast!

Reena said...

What a great find Ginny! I love the pictures. They are so unique!

barbara l. hale said...

Would you look at those?! How cool is that!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These are so pretty! They do look like swans

Ann said...

Very appropriate name for these unique gourds. They do look like swans.

Lady Jane said...

Those are pretty cool, Ginny. I love them. Hugs, LJ

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Love your Swan Gourds, Ginny... I had some gourds on my table during Fall ---but never thought about them looking like swans.. That is awesome!!!! Thanks for sharing.

Reanaclaire said...

OH gosh.. for a moment, I really thought they were swans! Then after reading, only i realized that they were some kind of vege? gourds? i know bitter gourds only.. but not swan gourds.. :))

Anonymous said...

Nice post thanks for sharing...God bless you loves soraya

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, How pretty! I am thinking of growing some ornamental gourds here this coming Spring and Summer. Have a wonderful Friday tomorrow!

SquirrelQueen said...

Like most everyone above I have never seen this type of gourd before. They do look like swans, the resemblance is amazing. Ginny, you do find some of the neatest things.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I am the potter, you are the clay. Imagine what God can do for you.

You watch that swan movie?

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