Friday, December 16, 2011

Real Beauty

Here are some images of what may be my favorite Christmas Tree of all time. I posted a few of these photos last year, and can't resist doing so again this year. In fact, I think I will every year, just so my newer followers can see it. It was in The Hotel Roanoke about two years ago, amid dozens of others that were competing in a contest. I was so beguiled by it's beauty that I kept going out to the car, then back in to take more pictures. Poor Phil waited out in front in a line of cars in the dark, we also had a friend along, But I just couldn't leave the tree! Each tree that night had a theme, and this one was Mardi Gras. Of course this is just beauty for the eyes, and not real true beauty. Here is real beauty, the kind God wants us to have.

“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes.  Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”
1 Peter 3


Cindy Adkins said...

Oh this is all so truly gorgeous!!! WOW! You have such a beautiful spirit--gosh, I can feel it right through your blog posts!!!

SquirrelQueen said...

I'm glad you posted this tree again Ginny, it is gorgeous. I like all the colors, the masks and of course the feathers.

Nature Rambles said...

What a spectacular tree! Most exotic looking! Glad you posted it for us. And Phil is such a sweetheart!:)

Anonymous said...

I love the colors. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Ginny.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i remember the post, but not all these, the gold leaf is new and I like it best of all. remember last year when you posted this i posted almost the same thing from Ringling Museum that had a tree with mask on it. all of these are beautiful and I think we all need to re post some of our old post because of new people and we all forget what we have seen anyway

Sharon said...

Very pretty, I can see why you wanted to keep looking at all it's elements!

From the Kitchen said...

I can see why you were beguiled by this tree. It's beautiful. I love the colors. Thanks to patient Phil for being patient!!


DawnTreader said...

Yes I think I recall a tree with this theme from your blog last year. But I don't mind another look! :) Really unusual.

FilipBlog said...

It is indeed very colourful. It will be a great tree.


Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These are beautiful...Poor Phil, but it was nice that you captured their beauty

Fred Alton said...

Love the colors, Ginny! And really, you found the most captivating beauty: "the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit" which is a most costly ornament! LOve this post.

Stephanie V said...

There's something magical about bright colored feathers. That's a lovely tree and worth the repeat.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I can see why you admire it! Have a super Saturday!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Yes,this is a beautiful and colourful tree,but God's beauty in our hearts far outshines this.

Reena said...

I think I agree with you .. it is so beautiful Ginny!

George said...

I remember this tree from last year, but I'm glad you posted it again. It is a beauty, I can understand why you liked it so much.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful set of photos today, Ginny. I can see why you loved that tree so much.. It is GLORIOUS.... Thanks for sharing it with us!

Marie said...

Ginny, I'm so glad you posted this tree again. I had never seen it and it's GORGEOUS! The gold leaf is my favorite! I can see why you kept going back to see it. I would have done the same thing. Your Phil and my Craig seem very similar. Craig is the most patient man I've ever met in my life and Phil seems to be the same way. I wrote down this Bible verse to remind my family. I'm taping it to my inspiration wall. This is a wonderful post!

Ann said...

Fabulous decorations. I love that gold leaf. I like the idea of doing a favorite post every year. Sort of a post tradition :)

Karin said...

Love that Scripture verse! Thanks for sharing it - we can so easily get carried away by outward appearances! Good to get the reminder that we need to see beauty where God sees it!

S. Etole said...

What a colorful tree!

Arti said...

These are just so beautiful. No wonder you were compelled to take more and more pictures! And I respect Phil so much for he is so understanding.
Have a wonderful Sunday Ginny:)

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny - do you live near Roanoke, VA?

And tell me - I know what the Bible says - but I so love the colors - I believe God gave us colors for our hearts and eyes to feel and see. What do you think?

I loved that and I love your star.


Lynn said...

These are spectacular trees. The colors for Mardi Gras are always so beautiful. The peacock blue color is stunning! I have a purple mask and boa from Mardi Gras several years ago. I won't be anywhere near the French Quarter on Fat Tuesday, but about 2 weeks before, I love the French Quarter. The masks they sell as beautiful. We go for the jazz which we so love. Blessings.

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 To all of you who identified my mystery flowers; thank you so much! Hellebore is a new flower for me! And now I have another mystery. It is...