Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Swoop And Scoop

Look what I got in the mail today! It's the "No More Soggy Cereal Swoop And Scoop Bowl"! I love new gizmos, and when I saw these in a catalog, I just had to order a couple. Here is the premise. Cereal in one side, milk in the other! Grab a bite of cereal, swoop down to the other side for some milk! What's your favorite cereal? And this isn't just for cereal, you can use chips and dip, salsa and corn chips, soup and crackers, or ice cream and toppings. And the bottom is designed so it has a handle. In bible times, most of the bowls were earthenware, made from clay. Most people used a medium sized handleless bowl. Plates were not common till New Testament times, and cups as we know them were unknown in the old testament, they were actually small bowls.

“Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, ‘Why did you make me like this?” Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?"
Romans 9

 No one has paid me or asked me to say anything about this, I just wanted to show it!


Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOK, that is different...

Anonymous said...

..and I'm glad you did! Wow...I'll be on the lookout for that in our local shops!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have seen those, but haven't tried them. Enjoy your new bowls!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I love the verse you used with this post and I like gizmos too...pretty interesting bowl...

Bobbie said...

This is really cool! I wouldn't want it for cereal, because I like my cereal soggy... but it would work for a lot of other things...

Melanie said...

That is cool...never seen it before! What a great idea!

Alice said...

I like it.

My kids call their cereal "soggy breakfast" once it has sat too long.

I like that they are made in the US,!

RoeH said...

Wish I had Grandkids here again. I'd buy one of those. Aw heck. I'll buy one just for me. Looks interesting.

Unknown said...

Cool! The bowl and the Scripture!

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

These look like neat bowls....I don't like soggy cereal

Joanne said...

That is really cool! I hate soggy cereal! The company should hire you to make a commercial for them! You could be a star!
Blessings, Joanne

Fred Alton said...

How unique is this? Never seen nor heard tell of such a bowl. Maybe we live to fer back in th hills? ☺ ☺ ☺

Karin said...

An interesting concept! Our grandkids always take toooooo much milk and then it gets wasted. Maybe this would help with it. If they would just focus on eating their breaky when it is served, they'd be fine - but they love to dawdle! No wonder cereal gets soggy! When I eat cereal, which is so seldom, I don't mind the first bites crisp and the last bites softer. No big deal!

I guess this bowl is not complaining that it was designed for a specific purpose! Now if we would just get that!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wild and wacky bowl for sure. hummm i like my cereal soggy though

Remington said...

That is so cool! I'll have to try and find one of those!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

What will they think of next? ha! This is a cool idea!

Ruth Hiebert said...

That's a cool bowl. I like gadgets as well and enjoy trying them.

George said...

I've never seen anything quite like this. I usually don't have much of a problem with soggy cereal, but I can see where a bowl like this would come in handy. Neat!

photowannabe said...

Fascinating concept. I'll bet your granddaughter will enjoy eating out of it.
I love the scripture that you used for this post. You have a great way of developing a concept.

barbara l. hale said...

What a great idea! And that pink is such a cheery color for the morning.

S. Etole said...

I saw one of these advertised the other night. Are you enjoying it?

Marie said...

What a neat bowl. I like my cereal soggy, so I would use it for chips and dip. :) Enjoy Ginny!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---neat gadget, Ginny... BUT--I would never use it.. Know why???? Because I love soggy cereal.... ha ha

Thanks for sharing..

Chatty Crone said...

Wow now that was an usual potter that made those - nothing like the Lords I know - but cool. You find the best things. sandie

BlueShell said...

Thank you for sharing: those are very useful..
here in Portugal we do not have those...
have a good night ...

Stephanie V said...

The first thing I'd probably do is squeeze too hard and squirt the milk all over the place.
I like my cereal mixed with the milk. Not sure I'd get used to that scoop idea. But you never know...I can try anything.

Ann said...

well that is a very cool bowl. I've never seen one of those. There are some cereals that I like to let sit in the milk a little before I eat them though. Favorite cereal? I think it would have to be Cheerios

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Now thats amazing..I love it!! and it has many other uses also besides cereal..

LV said...

Ginny, you find some of the neatest things. I have never seen this bowl. A very clever idea. I eat cereal most every morning. I like most all the cereals, except those that are frosted. Too sweet for me. It is great how you apply the scriptures so well to your post.

Tanna said...

I have never seen those before!! You'll have to let us know if they work well. Sure seems like they would. Enjoy! blessings ~ tanna

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh yeah! You found a really good gizmo Ginny. I can't stand soggy cereal which is one reason I rarely eat it. I'll have to keep an eye out for these bowls.

Regina said...

I kind of like that idea..I have hot cereal but I'm sure it would be a reason to get something yummy. Like you say, it has a wide variety of uses.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

before I read the commentary, I too thought, no more soggy cereals. Hehehe, I designed the bowl.

DawnTreader said...

Did you ever watch the TV detective Adrian Monk? I think this bowl would be a favourite with him. (He does not like his food to mix, he always wants to keep things separate on his plate.) The part that interests me is the "handle" which in some situations might come in handy (ha).

Mystery Flowers.

 I hope someone knows what these flowers are, because I don't have a clue! They are in the front yard of a house on the end of the block...