Friday, December 23, 2011

Many Mangers, One Inn

Here are some nativities from around town. The last two are mine. Believe it or not, the next to last one is paper mache'! Now settle in for a story of the birth of Jesus from a whole different angle, it's all about the inn. When David was running from his son, a man name Barzillai helped him and fed him, and David never forgot about him. So after David got his throne back, he offered to reward Barzillai. Barzillai refused, instead asking David to help out his son Kimham instead, and David agreed. Some bible scholars believe that David gave Kimham a house in Bethleham which later became an inn. David's great-grandparents had been Boaz and Ruth, so David had likely inherited this house, which had been theirs, and  it was probably David's childhood home. Kimham later turned this house in Bethlehem into an inn. And if this was the case, the inn that Mary and Joseph came to was the same house that had been owned by king David!! And my first picture? This is what the stone feeding trough looked like where they laid baby Jesus.

"A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David..."
Matthew 1:1


Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Oh my, doesn't that make you think! Jesus in His great great.....grandparents home. How wonderful is God, More than we ever realise. And what a cold awful manger, nothing like we depict today.

I love your nativity scenes also...they are just as lovely as the rest. Have a wonderful happy family

Filip Demuinck said...

Nice pictures. Makes me think of my visit to the Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth. There you have pieces of art from different countries, also a Japanese Maria. I wrote a blog article about it which is part of a series of 13 related to the life of Jesus.In your pictures you also find a Japanese Holy Family.

Have a Merry Christmas.


BlueShell said...

Oh...very well done_ I like them...very nice!
Yhank you for your words.

And yes...THAT is my tree!
And in the second photo, the one with the red roses, ...That is a bouquet that my husband gave me that day!


SquirrelQueen said...

We do have to remember there is so much more to the story than the the basic facts of the Christmas story,

All of the nativity scenes are so pretty Ginny. My favorites are the ones you own. I would never have guessed that one was paper mache!

Wishing you and your family the best Christmas ever.

Merry Christmas!

pam said...

Interesting. I've never heard that story before. Ginny, I hope you and your family have a weekend of joy and wonderment! Merry Christmas!

Ann said...

Love all the nativity scenes. I've seen so many on my drives in the morning and I've wanted to stop and take pictures of them all but just never have had the spare time.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love the nativities. The last one is extra sweet - did you make it?

Bobbie said...

That paper mache' one is out of this world!! Love it!
I learned a lot in this post... Merry Christmas Ginny!

Fred Alton said...

Of all your manger scenes, the most accurate one is, of course, the stone one - which was a feeding trough where the animals were normally fed. I'm sure that Joseph made sure the animals were not feeding there that night.

The most attractive one for me is the crocheted one. Something about it (not sure what) gets my attention.

It makes sense to me that this could well have been Boaz and Ruth's home - inherited by King David - and would be most appropriate for the King of the World to be born there!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well that stone feeding trough looks nothing like our manger we use traditionally and this is a great story about the inn. I love the figures with the big star over head, that is my favorite and our neighbors have one of the white silhouettes, we looked for one for years but never found one. your two little nativities are so sweet and i know that your sweet girls love them. merry Christmas

Neal said...

Those are so cute and well done. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

great pics....and thoughts. Ginny...I want to wish you and your family the happiest Christmas. Your posts...and comments always make me feel good. So glad I connected with you. Merry Christmas.

Reanaclaire said...

Merry Christmas to you Ginny!! What lovely pictures to add to the festive atmosphere...

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Great story, Ginny. AND--I loved seeing the Nativity Scene portrayals in your area... I love seeing these all over the country.. Since our country is becoming so secular and since we can't proclaim Jesus publicly as much as we used to be able to do, my prayer is that everyone will put a nativity scene in their own yard next year ---to tell the true meaning of Christmas.

Love your paper mache creche. Gorgeous.

George said...

This is a fascinating post. I had not heard that story before, but it is interesting and makes sense.

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

Chatty Crone said...

What an interesting and lovely story that was - interesting how God can make any connection possible. Whew. And I didn't know it was a stone trough either - so cold looking.
Merry Christmas to you - have a blessed Christmas.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Whatever you do on Christmas day,my prayer is that it will be a day filled with love.

Remington said...

Great post....Merry Christmas, my friend!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Beautiful Ginny. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post. I am your newest follower. Merry Christmas

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I never knew of that family relationship link to the Inn in Bethlehem where Jesus was born, Ginny!

A very Merry Christmas filled with many blessings to you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Such pretty nativity scenes! Wishing you and yours peace and happiness!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

did you crochet the last set. People are so clever.

I wish you a happy Time today.

Marie said...

These are all so beautiful Ginny!
Hope you have a blessed Christmas!

Sharon said...

you must do an amazing amount of research to get all this information! I absolutely love it. haven't had the chance to view your blog for some time and realized how much its a window into your life and your walk with God as well.

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