Thursday, December 29, 2011


Why does Scrooge love Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer?
Because every buck is dear to him.

Here are some reindeer from our neighborhood, I'll miss them when they're gone. The last one is Rudolph, who stands in our living room every Christmas, holding stockings or gifts. He's very obliging. I guess I could call him Rudolph the Red Nosed Caribou, because reindeer and caribou are basically the same animal. They are the only deer species where both male and female grow antlers, an equal opportunity breed! Sadly, they only live 10 to 15 years. And strangely enough, they are the only mammals who can see ultraviolet light. Why? I don't have a clue!

"The ways of right-living people glow with light; the longer they live, the brighter they shine."
Proverbs 4:18


Anonymous said...

Cute post, Ginny. Love all the colorful and festive decorations.

Reanaclaire said...

I love your reindeer too...this year i didnt put up the christmas tree in my house because we were not at home... but will certainly put up some chinese new year deco.. :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Your neighborhood has a whole herd of reindeer. I had never heard about them seeing UV light, that is really something. I wonder if it has anything to do with their living in the Arctic? They are beautiful creatures, I have seen a couple of herds up North.

From the Kitchen said...

I love Rudolph! When I was a child in Roanoke, we could visit Rudolph at Christmas. He was at Pugh's Department Store. While one couldn't sit on his lap, one could sit in a chair beside him and tell him what was wanted for Christmas. He, then, would pass that list on to Santa.


Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Love the joke!

I miss seeing the outside decorations and you all there seem to have people that love to do it right. Here, seldom do we ever see it now as many have moved away and we have a many different cultures living around us now that do not celebrate Christmas.

Thanks for brightening up the screen with your post this morning. Love the lights.

Alice said...

What a cute wooden reindeer:)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I never knew that they could see ultraviolet light. That's interesting!

Karin said...

Your reindeer is so cute! Lots of decorations around your town! Our prayer is that the longer we live the brighter Christ's life might shine through us!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so that sight with ultraviolet light thing is why Rudolph can see to guide the sleigh at night. you do have the most interesting neighborhood.

Hootin Anni said...

How sweet they all are!! I always enjoy the festive decorations that light up our night during the holidays.

hehehehehe on the Scrooge joke. I'll have to share that one.

There's a 'WAR' in Texas

Happy New Year to you and your family. May 2012 bring you everything you wish for in the coming days.

Beverly said...

The only ones missing are Rudolph and Clarice from Ella's collection. She has two new ones...a smaller version.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Love the Scripture, love the joke, and love the little wooden Reindeer basket! Have a really nice day today!

DawnTreader said...

Strangely, reindeer are not at all common for Christmas decorations in Sweden.

Stephanie V said...

Love the morning that starts with a laugh...good one!

When I was a kid, I really believed that Rudolph had a red nose that glowed like a light bulb. For some reason, that was more believable than Santa Claus!

barbara l. hale said...

Love the reindeer! Nice that you have them all over your neighborhood.
Wanted to let you know about Dale Chilhuly. He is a glass artist extraordinaire. Here's a link to his website:
I love art glass and have been a fan of his for years. Hope you enjoy!

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, your light will definitely shine for a long time - through your blog - and (altho we've never met in person) I'm sure it will shine in your personal life as well. Happy New Year.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The weather was cold. Some parents are like that, then when the kids are sick with "noodles" running down their noses, and not wearing enough clothes, they still come to school.

How long are you keeping the decorations?

I watched on Christmas day, a movie about how Santa and Rudolph came to earth. Did you watch that?
Have a happy New Year.

LV said...

What a wonderful reindeer post. You did super job.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

What a beautiful display!!!
Happy New Year Ginny...Much love sent from the land of Oz. xxx

Marie said...

Wonderful reindeer!
The fact that they can see UV light is really interesting. Now
I'll want to read about it. :)

Chatty Crone said...

I love Rudolph too and the last picture of the one you have - I have it too - it holds my cards. I didn't know that on the ultra violet light.

And happy new year.


Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love the photos, Ginny, and the joke is cute, too! I always loved Rudolph and I love the Gene Autry song. Wonder how many people know who Gene Autry was? LOL!
Have a nice weekend and a happy New Year!

Tanna said...

Most interesting that they can see UV light!! How does anyone know that??? Probably one of those studies that cost millions of dollars. LOL! Great shots, Ginny and very interesting info. blessings ~ tanna

Deborah said...

I did not know this Ginny. They are like dogs and cats...
I like your rudolph! I hate to see all the all the decorations taken down. I always get a little sad about that.
Happy New Year my friend.

Anonymous said...

Wow, i didn't know those facts about reindeer. The decorations are very beautiful!!

Ann said...

You sure do have a festive neighborhood. I love the reindeer displays. I don't know why but I always wanted some of those white wooden reindeer. Never did get any though

Unknown said...

very nice Christmas set up...^^

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