Tuesday, January 31, 2012


 “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more.”
Luke 12:4

I read in the paper that the body of Kim Jong Il is going to be permanently preserved and enshrined in the Memorial Palace (I shot this picture from the paper, my header is a sunset I snapped awhile ago). This is not as unusual as it may seem. Ho Chi Minh has been on display for over 30 years. Also Evita Peron, though people don't talk about it. She is thought to be the best preserved mummy in the world. I won't give the details, but it has to do with bodily fluids and wax. When Lenin died, citizens begged the government to find a way to preserve him. He has been on view since 1924. If you're thinking of visiting, the hours are between one and four P.M. These famous people are long gone from their bodies, but I suppose it is comforting in a way for people to be able to still see them, unchanged. What do YOU think?  The bible tells us that we will be changed, though.

"Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.  For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality.”

1 Corinthians 15


Shug said...

I think that the people who want to preserve others must look to them as some kind of God.....
I guess this kind of thing just isn't for me. I suppose that it is interesting the way that the process is done in order to make their bodies last...Interesting Post.
have a good evening..

From the Kitchen said...

You sure come up with some interesting posts!! For those of us who might want to view Lenin, could you provide the address? = )


Karin said...

Fascinating in one way, but sad in another. That people feel the need to hang onto and view these bodies, is more than respecting them and their memory, it borders on worshiping them. You do always find interesting things to post about!

Joanne said...

I never understood that. To me the body is just a shell, and no matter how "important" people may have been here on Earth the part that matters the most is no longer here. You have such interesting posts!
Blessings, Joanne

Reanaclaire said...

I have seen the Ho Chi Minh one before.. everyone has to hush and keep quiet when they are walking around the preserved body...

SquirrelQueen said...

I agree with the others Ginny, you do find some of the most interesting things to post. I have never understood the need to preserve for viewing purposes, it seems a little macabre to me. The Egyptians mummified their dead but not to look at daily. Even the pharaohs were entombed.

Hootin Anni said...

I think it's a bit 'gross' if you want my opinion. In my way of thinking, the people, preserved is okay [as in mummified]---if that was THEIR choice. But to be on display? Just plain gross. Idolizing.

Oh, and ps....your comment said you're not sure about who Irene is. She is my first born...my daughter. I have two adult kids [Irene and Erik]

Tanna said...

Hmmmm... Very interesting post, Ginny. Where do you come up with all this stuff? The sunset in your header is simply gorgeous! blessings ~ tanna

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Personally, I don't think preserving is necessary. And I certainly wouldn't want to be 'on show' for an eternity!

RoeH said...

I gotta say...and I mean no offense to anyone...but it's creepy. No doubt about it. Yuck. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have no desire at all to see anyone that has been dead for years and think they need to be buried and not put on view. dead is dead and why anyone wants to look at them is beyond my understanding. i agree with bonnie, you find the most interesting things in your town and newspaper. this is something i have never heard before.

Mary Bergfeld said...

Bob and I saw Ho Chi Minh when we were in South East Asia. We did a quick walk through but many of the Vietnamese were reverential as they passed the bier. He is considered a great hero and they seem to find some comfort in viewing his body. Have a great day, Ginny. Blessings...Mary

Deborah said...

I don't know what to think about that.I suppose it's what you are accustomed too.

Reena said...

For our culture, an unusual practice ... but for others I guess not. Just don't ever put ME on display!

DawnTreader said...

I think it's weird. The only reason I can think of to put a dead person on display for a short while would be to convince people that he/she really IS dead and gone, if there is any doubt about it!

George said...

When I was in China, I saw the preserved body of Mao Zedong. I can't say he looked particularly life-like -- I thought he looked more like a wax statue. But the Memorial Hall had an almost church-like aura to it. All in all it was very strange.

Marie said...

Ginny, you always get us thinking! I don't understand this and I know this isn't for me.
Have a great day!

Stephanie V said...

While I appreciate your research all I can say id Yuck! to the idea of displaying these people. Most were not the nicest of leaders - how people can be deluded.

Bobbie said...

Oh my! This is different!! I don't think I'll be visiting this any time soon but this was very interesting...

Ann said...

I think that it's not for me. I have no desire to view a dead body that has been preserved. In a way I see it as a little disrespectful to the person who died. Lay them to rest and let them be.

Tracy said...

You know your post brought up a question I've always had since I taught children with physical handicaps. The little ones that had such sever cerebal palsy and their little bodies were contorted, I always wondered when they die if their muscles relax and they straighten out....I know that in the Heaven's they are free~

Remington said...


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi, Sorry I haven't been around this week. We have been traveling and taking more photos... Hope you are having a great week.

Great photo and interesting post. I am one who feels that a person's soul leaves the body after death. SO--the body doesn't mean that much anymore... I have no need to 'worship' the body after death... But--that is just my opinion. Each to his/her own.


Chatty Crone said...

Now - are they wrapped in something or do their bodies show?

Not for me - I used this one - I am waiting for the new one!


photowannabe said...

I go along with all the others. No need to preserve my body for viewing. Its been though a lot and who would want to see it?
I certainly won't be worshipped, which I feel these people are doing. Actually I'm waiting for my "new and improved" body.
Great and unusual post Ginny.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Reading this post and the comments I think back to when Jake passed away. My Granddaughter made the comment that this was just Grandpa's yucky,sick body,which he didn't need.She was very confident that Jesus would give him a new body.I felt much the same way about that lifeless body.The soul was rejoicing in Heaven.

S. Etole said...

I'm looking forward to a new body!

Fred Alton said...

Ginny, I look forward to that glorious day when this old body is changed and takes on a new and incorruptible body. Think of that. No cancer, no arthritis, no pain, no tears, no heart attacks, etc and etc. No wonder the song writer said, "Won't It Be Wonderful There!"

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Big Brother is watching you? Yes, this computer is even better than the one used in Singapore where you need a gadget.

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