Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I had quite a few queries on my last post, so I want to fill in the rest of the story for you. Yes, I adore Amazon and have an account there. I order lots of things from there and love them. But I found a product that was made strictly for Target and no one else sold it, not even Amazon. After buying the last one at their store, I ordered more, but got something else instead. And this is not the first time they have done this. They refuse to let me return it at my local store as well. I love Target, but their online service stinks!


SquirrelQueen said...

A big boo for Target for not letting you return items to the store. Amazon is my favorite online store too. I have never ordered from Target online.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I have never ordered something online from Target. What a pain!

Bobbie said...

Ugh! I will try to remember that...

George said...

You make me glad we don't have a target around here, so I haven't ordered from their online store. I'll stick with Walmart and Amazon.

Ruth Kelly said...

I returned an online item to Target once. I had to use their computer first and then give them the item. My daughter returns stuff all the time. It is a real pain in the neck for me.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Ginny, There's no excuse that you can't return your purchase to your store... I don't understand that...

We do alot of online shopping --and so far, have had no problem.. But--we've never ordered from Target...


Ann said...

There is another blog I follow who wrote about ordering online from Target. It was not a good experience

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