Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013!

Happy New Year to all my wonderful blog friends!!!!

Time is a brisk wind, for each hour it brings something new... but who can understand and measure its sharp breath, its mystery and its design?  ~Paracelsus

Youth is when you're allowed to stay up late on New Year's Eve.  Middle age is when you're forced to.  ~Bill Vaughn

A happy New Year! Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I've played the friend,
Have lived and loved and labored here,
And made of it a happy year.
~Edgar Guest

…Then you can tell the next generation detail by detail the story of God, Our God forever, who guides us till the end of time.
Psalm 48


Betsy Banks Adams said...

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR to my friend... We are staying awake (yawn) trying to wait for the ball to fall in Times Square... We'll share some Eggnog also....

Hope 2013 is a better year for you --healthwise. I pray for you every single day. You are a very special lady...

Love you,

Annie Jeffries said...

Happy New Year, Ginny. Wishing you much joy and good health.

Reanaclaire said...

What beautiful pictures again, Ginny!!

Have a blessed New Year!!

Karin said...

Time definitely has many different faces for different folks, but it doesn't stop for any one! Sometimes one needs to buy a battery, but time has not stopped marching! Our common dining room clock always stops around 1:30 even though it's 4:30 - it's a new clock and just does it's own thing! These are such interesting clocks Ginny! Great photos! All the best to you both and good health for the New Year. Because it's already New Year where you are, I'm going to bed now!

SquirrelQueen said...

So many clocks and yet we never have enough time. I love the Bill Vaughn quote.

We still have an half hour to go.

Happy New Year!

BlueShell said...

Happy New Year, full of joy, health and God’s Blessings!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ha ha ho ho he he is what i thought and did when I saw your post. it is like our brains fire on the same line or something. Happy New year and I love the clocks, am waiting to see if anyone but us two chicken littles thought of CLOCKS....

Alice said...

Groovy clocks, Happy New Year!

Ruth Hiebert said...

As the first few hours of this new year are upon us,my prayer for you is the same as always,May God bless you and give you more of Himself daily.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love all the clocks. Happy New Year! Hoping this year is MUCH better for you health wise Ginny!

Ruth Kelly said...

I have never seen so many different clocks. They are enlightening.

Ann said...

What a great selection of clocks. Happy New Year to you

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, Happy New Year! May God bless you and your family this year! Love the clock pics. Have a great coming few days.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Love your clock photos!
Wishing you and your family all the best in the New Year!!

LV said...

Thank you your many different clocks of time opening the New Year. To answer, you question on my blog,yes that is my cactus and it a very pretty pink. All the gifts on the last part of my post were from secret bloggers.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

And a HappyNew Year to you as well!....:)JP

Anonymous said...

I love this post, Ginny. Very seldom have I ever stayed up to welcome in the new year!
Take care and all the best to you and Phil and the kitties.

Chatty Crone said...

We stayed awake and rang in the New Year together! I wish you a happy and healthy new year Ginny. sandie

Lady Jane said...

Happy New Year Ginny. Nice to have you back. Hugs LJ

Rose said...

I am late, but hope you do have a Happy New Year!

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