Tuesday, December 11, 2012

No More Returns!

Hello human followers, this is Sunny & Cher, and we have hijacked mommy's blog today. You see, we have a gripe with her, it is her Christmas returns! Seems one of her favorite stores NEVER sends her the right thing when she orders from them online. Then they won't let her return it to the store, she has to mail it back. Mommy had a few choice words about the warehouse packers that we couldn't understand, but she sounded kind of like us when we hiss. There have been quite a few returns this year and it has to stop! Take this big box- for all we know, there could be POUNDS of catnip in it, not to mention we love the empty boxes to play in, do NOT keep sending stuff back! We appeal to you to stop her before we have no fun left!! Else we will hold her blog hostage the rest of the year.

“I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you.”
Isaiah 44


Annie Jeffries said...

Your online orders and returning them is THAT bad? You have terrible luck. Where are you ordering from, girl?

SquirrelQueen said...

Hey Sunny & Cher, very nice to meet you. That is definitely a problem. You need to put your paws down and tell your mommy it's fine to return the stuff but you are keeping the boxes. MOL!

From the Kitchen said...

You two had better watch out! Your mommy might return y'all in one of those boxes!!


Anonymous said...

You two are beautiful!!! I guess Santa will just have to bring you a big box to play in that is all yours!

Alice said...

How frustrating! The cats are too cute:)

Bobbie said...

Sonny and Cher.. first of all... you 2 are gorgeous kitties! And secondly.. please, tell your mom AMAZON.COM is the only way to go when shopping online. If she becomes Amazon Prime Member she can enjoy free shipping on most of her purchases AND returns are easy and hassle-free. They even provide the shipping label. I love shopping AMAZON for these reasons!
Now. Tell her to go to Amazon, then search, then type in 'perfect box for cat'. Then be good kitties and wait for the magic to happen on Christmas Eve.... lol

MadSnapper n Beau said...

tell mommy if she doesn't order she will not have to return things... LOL that is my motto. also tell her the two of you are really really beautiful. you can hijack this blog anytime.... can Simba blog?

Parsley said...

Beautiful cats! Guess it is time to have mom shop elsewhere and from a place that specifies in cat toys.

Chatty Crone said...

Good Morning Sonny and Cher!

I have the perfect answer. Tell her to keep the boxes for you and mail them back in an large envelope! LOL Humans, I know.

Remington said...

Hi Sonny and Cher! Looking good! I haven't had any trouble (yet) with online ordering....I don't like to have to return anything either....

LV said...

What a cute post. That is one reason I do not order on line. Too big an issue to return.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hello Sunny and Cher... Me thinks you need to stay away from Mommy when she isn't happy!!!! Okay????? ha ha

We are enjoying the beach in beautiful Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina. I will think of you today at 12 minutes and 12 seconds after 12 noon on 12/12/11.... Unbelievable.


George said...

I didn't realize things were that bad. Perhaps it's time for Mom to find a new favorite store.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh how annoying! I hope things get right before Christmas. I love your new kitties!

RoeH said...

Sonny and Cher. How adorable are they?!

Ann said...

Well I'm sorry to hear that your mom is having problems with her online orders but it sure is a treat to see both of you today.
I think it's silly that they don't allow you to return the item in the store.

Marie said...

You two are so cute that I forgot what the post was about. LOL I think I recognize that target symbol. LOL

Reanaclaire said...

Very adorable cats there, Ginny!

LV said...

I am surprised at Target. The store is so good about returns. Surely there is someone out there there would be willing to make store returns. Good luck.

Linda said...

Awwww....love this! :)

Nikki (Sarah) said...

aww. soo cute.

LC said...

Sorry about the online shopping blues, but I got such a charge out of the post by your precocious felines! They sounded pretty serious about their hostage-taking strategy!

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