Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Peacock Trees

“The king’s ships, manned by Hiram’s sailors, made a round trip to Tarshish every three years, returning with a cargo of gold, silver, and ivory, apes and peacocks.”
2 Chronicles 9


Reanaclaire said...

The peacock makes the trees more colorful than it really is.. nice deco there, Ginny!

SquirrelQueen said...

That is an amazing tree. Whoever came up with the idea for this tree did an excellent job. I love the colors and feathers.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I love the colors of blue, green, and purple together.

RoeH said...

Beautiful! I would never have thought of that.

BlueShell said...

So beautiful...

Wishing you and yours a prosperous and very Happy New Year, full of joy, health and God’s Blessings!

Ruth Kelly said...

Does it really say peacocks?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful peacock tree, Ginny... I had never seen one before --but the peacock feathers do make a great tree... Gorgeous.

Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty!

Ann said...

What a pretty tree. It's upside down too. How do they get that to stand up? Love those colors

LV said...

Peacocks are so pretty, but never would have thought of using the feathers in this fashion. Very well done.

Marie said...

Beautiful tree! My parents have Peacocks roaming through their neighborhood. :)

Chatty Crone said...

Ginny was this one of your trees or somewhere you went? It looks very pretty - I would have never thought about doing that myself. Happy New Year. sandie

Karin said...

Wonder how those apes and peacocks got along! Peacock feathers have such a unique beauty - but it's all a little glitzy for me!

Shug said...

Gorgeous them!

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are very lovely.

Bobbie said...

Beautiful colors! We had a guy (a customer) who owned peacocks and he brought us down some feathers. We still display them in our office, they are so pretty.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are just beautiful. i saw a thing on TV that in the past people used birds and animals and circus themes for their trees, and i remember the circus mask tree at the museum.... also they used natural things, pine cones and berry's and holly and pop corn, stuff they could find without buying it.

Filip and Kristel said...

Special, it is the first time I see such peacock decorations. Beautiful.


Cheryl @ TFD said...

So beautiful! Peacock blue is one of my favorite colors.
Happy New Year to you and Phil!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

beautiful. Love the header. Happy New Year Ginny....wishing you the best and especially good health

pembrokeshire lass said...

What lovely combination of colours. Just lovely. Joan

Unknown said...

So pretty Ginny, wishing you a blessed holiday season, hope you're feeling well :)

Annie Jeffries said...

It's nice to still be seeing pretty Christmas trees. Thanks, Ginny.

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