Tuesday, December 25, 2012


“To perceive Christmas through its wrapping becomes more difficult with every year.”
E.B. White

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”
  ~William Arthur Ward

Hello blog followers, this is Sunny, and I have taken over mommy's blog again. We want to show you that today we had the most fun EVER!! As you can see by the first picture, Simba was the most surprised. Mommy and daddy brought out objects all wrapped in our gifts of crinkly paper and bows!! We couldn't believe our eyes, and soon spread it all over so we could all play with it properly. Then we all got very, very tired and went to sleep. Meowy Christmas, everyone...purrrrr...

 “A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master. This is what you’re to look for: a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger.”
Luke 2


Reanaclaire said...

Hello Sunny.. bet you have lots of fun with the wrappers on Christmas too! Meowwy Christmas to you!!

Filip and Kristel said...

When the cats play, it is better than watching TV.


Anonymous said...

Such fun photos! My cats love paper and boxes too! Have a wonderful day.

Bobbie said...

Sunny, you are one beautiful kitty! I can see you enjoyed your day. Tell your mama and daddy that we hope they had a fabulous Christmas. ((HUGS)) from Gracie and Me.

Parsley said...

What a sweet kitty! Love how pets give us a great gift of love all year around.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

simba looks a little shocked or maybe that is amazement. great photos of all the kitties having fun. i guess i must be the only person on the planet that does not give pet presents. each blog i have seen today all the pets got presents, and some even had special cookies baked for them.

DawnTreader said...

Ah for simple pleasures... :)

Remington said...

Looks like a great Christmas for all!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

We're both blogging about our sweet new kitties today :-) Love these pics!

Annie Jeffries said...

Haven't had a cat in the house at Christmas time in years. And this year, we rediscovered that whether it's one small dog or two, they just aren't nearly so interested in all the paper flurry going on.

Ann said...

What a splendid Christmas you had. Nothing quite so fun as crinkly paper.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Sunny is having such fun...I remember those crazy cat days!...:)JP

Linda said...

Lovely, Ginny! What a great post and photos. Sending you much love and many hugs. Thank you so much for your comments on my posts, I really appreciate it.

Chatty Crone said...

Those little sneaky cats - they are so cute with all their 'gifts'. And taking over your blog - why I never...

They are all beautiful cats Ginny - and don't they make the holidays better?

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

George said...

It's easy to see who had the most fun Christmas morning.

SquirrelQueen said...

Hello Sunny, nice to see you again. It looks like you had lots of fun on Christmas. The kitties here love the boxes and crinkly paper too, even better that their toys.

BlueShell said...

so Cute....
I have tendinitis in my right shoulder. I can hardly write, either with pen or computer Bur here I am….
Wishing you and yours a prosperous and very Happy New Year, full of joy, health and God’s Blessings!

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I don't believe you would open your own gifts! That would be too much to expect off such pretty girls..LOL
Ellen White couldn't have been more spot on especially now, in this day and age. I hadn't thought of it like that, but it is all wrapped up today isn't it.. and for many, it just means a greedy time of MORE. more and more...with no thought of the true meaning. Blessings sent.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue ι™ˆζ΄ι›ͺ said...

That toy house, is there room for two?

Linda said...

Hi Ginny,

I was able to add my photos to my blog post. Sending you hugs. :)

Karin said...

Such kitty fun - just need paper and boxes - like little kids! Looks like everyone had fun or was entertained!

Melanie said...

The little kitties are just cute as can be!♥

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