Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Archer's Secret

Here is the Archer's secret, he is really a scarecrow, and not human at all! Bobbi, Shug, and Chatty were the ones who suspected. And I have to tell on Phil. Not only did he not remember us seeing this, he thought it was real. This was one of many in a scarecrow contest that was a fundraiser for non-profit groups. I would have liked to see them all. But the real fun was going to the place that Mr. Archer lived. You see, I did not go to see him, he just happened to be there. Next post I will show you his amazing and unbelievable home.

“Just look at that lightning, his sky-filling light show illumining the dark depths of the sea! These are the symbols of his sovereignty, his generosity, his loving care. He hurls arrows of light, taking sure and accurate aim. The High God roars in the thunder, angry against evil.”
Job 36


From the Kitchen said...

So far, my thought is: "I DO NOT want to meet the archer"!!


Bobbie said...

He looks like the scarecrow on the Wizard of Oz.. haha. Hmm..

Ruthie said...

Hi Ginny! My uncle Dave (Hartzler) introduced me to your blog awhile back. I've been faithfully reading and enjoying it, and I figure it's time for me to stop in and introduce myself. I enjoy the pictures you post and your thoughts about them. So glad you're back to blogging! -Ruthie (I know you already have plenty of blogs to read; I've got one over at if you feel like looking at another one.)

Ruth Hiebert said...

Sounds like a good story coming up. :)

Lynn said...

Ginny, you certainly have not lost your ability to intrigue us! Good for you. From a photographers standpoint, I love your header. Honestly, I haven't a clue where this post is going, but know it will be so interesting.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

The archer looks pretty creepy.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh NOOOOO i hate waiting.... i have a very very very large curiosity bump.. now it hurts. i can see it is a man in that suit and I can't think why... love that header shot...color me impatiently waiting

Shug said...

Oh my....the first thing I thought of was the Wizard of Oz!! Interesting....excited to hear the rest of the story...
take care and enjoy what the day brings..

Remington said...

That is kinda scary....can't wait to hear more....

Rose said...

Have no clue...

Anonymous said...

A little spooky...I'll be waiting!

Ruth Kelly said...

It sounds like the Savior to me.

Chatty Crone said...

The archer looks like a scarecrow - so I am looking for part two tomorrow for the answer. sadnie

Fred Alton said...

Hi, Ginny! This is definitely a reference to the Messiah, right? He is God's sharp shaft which is well-protected in God's quiver. Glad to come here and see that you are still blogging. How are you? Me? I'm much, much better than I've been in a year!

LV said...

Ginny, I have been wondering about you, but failed to check your blog. Felt sure I would know when you felt up to coming back. So happy to see a post from you. I will be checking in more often now. May you continued to be blessed.

FilipBlog said...

Looks like a cruel archer. I am curious for your next article.


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hmmmmmm---have no idea what this is about. I'll have to check back when you explain it. Guess I'm dense!!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'll be watching for a post to see what this is all about! have me wondering.

Reanaclaire said...

oh gosh.. his eyes look so real!! :)

Marie said...

he's kinda scary looking. I'm looking forward to your next post. :)
Enjoy your day, Ginny!

DawnTreader said...

Now if that does not scare the crows I don't know what will!

Rose said...

When I looked back yesterday, I thought he was real, too!

Bobbie said...

YAY! I just knew it!!

George said...

I don't blame Phil for thinking this guy was real. The eyes are unbelievably realistic.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Is his home as creepy as he is?!?

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

He has rough looking gloves but he is a scarecrow!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

when I first opened I thought pretty creepy.....but glad he's only a scarecrow.....

BlueShell said...

Hi, Very wise words...
God bless you. BShell

photowannabe said...

Those eyes are pretty haunting. I'm interested to see what the Archer's Secret is.

Annie Jeffries said...

I was fooled at first. I thought there was a real person under the mask. Then the third picture really surprised. No bottom. LOL Vry cool scarecrow.

SquirrelQueen said...

At first glance of the face I thought it was real too until I took a closer look. It is an amazing figure.

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 We passed by the strangest Jeep today. It was parked in a garage parking lot right at the edge of the street. Meant to be seen. There were ...