Monday, December 3, 2012

People On Parade - Part 1: The Babies

Yesterday's post was Pets On Parade, so today is People On Parade. I have so many pictures that I will be making two posts on this, with today's babies the first. Again, it is about a month ago, at our city's Halloween parade. The downtown streets are closed off and the kids go from store to store, wearing their costumes and getting treats. A much safer way then going to homes at night. The toddler with the gas mask is blurry, but I just had to show you or else you wouldn't believe it. A little child in a gas mask, REALLY? I cannot see how he is breathing but it looks next to impossible. Maybe these parents are making some sort of statement, but I find the whole thing rather creepy and just not right. Surely the biggest scare of the evening. My next post will have the rest of the people.

“In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ.”
2 Corinthians


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute Cute Cute, Ginny... I love seeing children --especially the little ones--all dressed up for Halloween.... Just precious.

Thanks for sharing.

Reanaclaire said...

Jesus loves children... the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to children such as these.. :)
Nice post, Ginny!

SquirrelQueen said...

Oh my goodness, the little lion is so cute. I think someone must have asked him to show how a lion walks.

I agree about the gas mask, that is a little creepy.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

The gas mask is quite odd.

Love the pics - kids in costume are so cute!

Alice said...

The little doctor is cute:)

From the Kitchen said...

Adorable! Even though the gas mask is rather odd. I'm so happy to "see" you behind the camera again.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the gas mask looks like part of a super hero costume... not one i would pick for sure. i like all of these and can't pick a favorite but the crawling lion is close to number 1.. these are great. they are all so cute.. most look like toddlers.

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying the little ones and the pets photos, Ginny!

Remington said...


Ruth Hiebert said...

There are some really cute outfits in this group.Little ones are so adorable.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

These are all just precious, Ginny. I don't think I can pick a favorite out of all of these, either. They're all just so cute!!

Rose said...

Those babies are adorable!

Ann said...

I just love seeing the little ones dressed up in costume. They are adorable

Chatty Crone said...

There is nothing cuter then little ones dressed up. I love them. Well animals in costumes are pretty cute too.


Arti said...

These are such adorable captures!! The little kids look so cute in all the costumes!! And I agree with you, wonder how the kid with the gas mask is breathing?
Have a lovely day Ginny :)

Filip and Kristel said...

Very nice how they are dressed up.


LC said...

The older kids and adults had interesting costumes, but the babies were too cute. Didn't understand the gas mask costume.

A Strange Jeep

 We passed by the strangest Jeep today. It was parked in a garage parking lot right at the edge of the street. Meant to be seen. There were ...