Thursday, May 16, 2013

John Boy

The Walton house is now being lived in, and though there are tours, all the furnishings are modern. The real rooms and how they looked are across the street in the old schoolhouse, were they have re-created the Waltons rooms down to the tiniest details. This is called "Walton's Mountain Museum". So let's start with John Boy's bedroom!

“Earl Hamner once said,"There were eight of us. Tall, lean, fine-boned, red-headed youngsters growing up in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia during the Depression. My father called us 'his thoroughbreds,' and put us on a pedestal. CBS called us 'The Waltons,' and put us on television."

John Boy Walton was really Earl Hamner Jr., and he was a writer from the get go, see his typewriter?  He wrote "Spencer's Mountain" and "The Homecoming". "The Homecoming" was made into a T.V. movie, and then it became "The Waltons". Later, he wrote the "Falcon Crest" series. The voice you hear at the beginning and end of each episode of "The Waltons" is the real John Boy, Earl. Today he lives in California. All pictures were taken by me in the Walton's Museum, except the last two. I found those on the web so you could see what John Boy looks like in his later years.

“My purpose in writing is simply this: that you who believe in God’s Son will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life, the reality and not the illusion.”
1 John 5


Betsy Banks Adams said...

That is just so interesting, Ginny, especially to those of us who watched and loved the Waltons... Thanks for sharing.

I saw John Boy on another TV show recently... He was a BAD guy---and I didn't like him... ha ha


Linda said...

I still watch the Waltons every week day, thanks to Vision TV for airing it. The episodes I am watching right now don't have John Boy in them...or the grandfather. But I just love this show and never tire of watching it. I absolutely love this post, Ginny!

SquirrelQueen said...

It looks just like John Boy's bedroom. I'm going to have to see if I can find some episodes of The Waltons, you got me wanting to see the show again.

Earl Hammer Jr. also wrote some episodes of one of my favorite shows, The Twilight Zone.

Filip and Kristel said...

An airconditioner is only from the last decades, so this is logical.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is totally cool and so much info i did not know. i hope you have more pics of inside the house. i would love to visit this museum. with you of course.
love that bed and the header photo is like you took it in my grandmothers house in Manassas GA. the only thing different is the shaving brush to stand in the cup. daddy used that tall thin bottle of whatever it was called, it has slipped my memory. he used that until i was a teen and also used a brush in a cup to lather his face. i watched him shave all my life.

Shug said...

A different look for sure in the 2 John Boys. Thanks for posting this...very interesting info. I most definitely would enjoy seeing this place. "The Walton's"....a great show.

momto8 said...

so interesting!!! I would like my kids to watch this show..I remember many of the episodes. i did not now it was still on tv, until I read your comments. thanks! I am going to look for the show .

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, That information on the Walton's was very interesting and I had not known most of it. Thanks for the peek into yesteryear! Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, That information on the Walton's was very interesting and I had not known most of it. Thanks for the peek into yesteryear! Have a wonderful weekend!

Reanaclaire said...

Hey Ginny , i love john boy of the Waltons! I remember he has a mole somewhere haha so now he looks like this? :)

Chatty Crone said...

GET OUT OF HERE! Have I told you that I LOVE things like this - this was so great to read about. AWESOME.

So he world Spencer's Mountain and Falcon Crest - I loved them.

And the Walton's too and I still watch it when I find it on.


George said...

Thanks for another fascinating post about the 'Waltons'. It was nice to see the real 'John Boy'. I'm glad the museum has reconstructed the rooms that were modernized in the house.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That's neat. I love the air conditioner sign - too funny!

Ruth Hiebert said...

I love the charm of these old places. I think people back then paid more attention to the little details.

photowannabe said...

I loved the morality and just plain goodness of the Walton's program.
Thanks for the interesting information.

Rose said...

I love the quilt on the foot of the bed! Love seeing these shots.

LC said...

Thanks for this background and "the rest of the story" on the TV series I loved.

Dee said...

Cool...thanks for sharing..I did not realize that was the real John boys voice at the beginning and end of the episodes.

Tamago said...

Lovely pictures and I enjoy reading the story of Earl Hammer!

Annie Jeffries said...

So interesting, Ginny. If I ever knew this, I forgot it. I'm moving on to more Walton house pictures again.

Ann said...

Well the real John boy doesn't look much like the tv one but I didn't expect he would.
I remember seeing "The Homecoming" on tv. It was aired as a Christmas special.
This was very interesting

Bobbie said...

This is soooo cool! I am a huge Walton fan...

Lady Jane said...

Well it is a long way from the Waltons to Falcon Crest, lol... I would prefer the Waltons... But, I dont chastise the man for success.

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