Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Waltons House

I bet you didn't know that we live in the same area that the Waltons did. In fact, their house and museum are less them an hour away, up a wooded mountain trail in the small town of Schuyler, Va. At one point during the Depression, daddy Walton came to my city for a job and lived here on weekdays. We would have been neighbors. The Waltons were NOT really the Waltons. Their real name was Hamner. But The "Hamners" would not make such a great name for a T.V. show, so it was changed to Walton. So Walton's Mountain was really Hamner's Mountain. Here is the original house, and the country store beside their house, though the real store burned down and this is the newer one. But their church is original and it is just a stone's throw away from the house. There is a quarry and a dam across the road, the dam is huge and makes quite a noise. The next few posts I will show you what the inside of the house looked like! Next up is the REAL John Boy!!!

“My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.”
Isaiah 32


Betsy Banks Adams said...

OH how interesting... I had no idea that the Walton's (Hamner's) lived near you in VA... Love it!!!! What a neat place to visit. Thanks for taking us there... Can't wait to see the 'real' John Boy... I loved that show!!!!!


Terra said...

This is all new to me, and what an ideal church, and inviting home, and the rushing water.

Linda said...

Hi Ginny, your header photo is absolutely gorgeous! I would just love to visit the Walton's house! I watch The Waltons every weekday evening thanks to Vision TV, which airs this great show. I love everything about the show. Thank you so much for sharing.

SquirrelQueen said...

I remember reading somewhere that the actually house was in VA but I didn't know it was close to you. I loved that show.

Do you remember the movie Spencer's Mountain based on a novel by Earl Hamner Jr?

Anonymous said...
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Alice said...

That church is very striking.

Bobbie said...

I must visit this!! I loved The Waltons!! I can't wait to see the inside :-)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LOVE the country store, my favorite, like that house and the church is wonderful... i did not even know there was a real Walton family, cant wait to see the real john boy.. so does this mean someone wrote the Waltons about this real family?

Dee said...

Thank you for sharing this....I look forward to seeing inside the home... The church is adorable and the surrounding area is awesome....I would love to visit this lace one day.

Lady Jane said...

So interesting Ginny. We loved the Walton's to the point where when we went to bed we each called goodnite to one another when we were at the camp visiting my parents, lol... So looking forward to more about the Waltons. Thanks

Unknown said...

Your photos make me want to go there Ginny ............ and stop and see you too! Beautiful!

RoeH said...

This interested me so much that I went to Amazon and sent for the book Goodnight John Boy. Would LOVE to see it all.

Jeanne said...

I love the Walton's - and your header with the church is amazing! I'll be waiting to see the inside of the house.

Tamago said...

I am not familiar with Waltons so I googled it. How neat you live in the same area! Looks like very lovely place. Amazing the church is kept so well. I'm looking forward to seeing the inside!

Shug said...

This is so interesting...Always enjoyed watching the "Walton's" and just to think, that you live just a short distance from the actual place. Thanks for sharing Ginny...enjoyed this post.

Filip and Kristel said...

I really like the little wooden church in the forest. Great picture.


Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love reading about the Waltons, they were one of my favorite TV families. I always wished I had been part of a large family like that one. It's so fun to see the real house and church. I had no idea you lived in the same area! Loved your photos, can't wait to see more and hear about the "Waltons".

DawnTreader said...

I had no idea. I know I saw the TV series (or part of it) some time in the past but I don't remember details. Only enough to have some idea when I come upon references to it in other contexts.

George said...

I didn't realize you were so near Walton Mountain. It is certainly a beautiful area. I look forward to more pictures and information.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Oh neat. I will have to get the boys up there some day. But they will need to watch the Waltons first.

Ann said...

I have always liked the Walton's and it was one of my dad's favorite shows. I had no idea they were a real family with a different name. Can't wait to see what John Boy looked like

S. Etole said...

You share such interesting things. I used to watch that show faithfully.

Chatty Crone said...

That is so cool! So was the show filmed around this area too? Ginny your life is so interesting! Love it. sandie

LC said...

Ginny, My husband and I have been seeing some of those peaceful dwellings (churches) in Cades Cove today. I seriously considered trying to determine how far away you were, but Hubby had our post graduation itinerary planned. We spent a night in Blowing Rock, then a night at Pisgah Inn on the Parkway. I guess we were heading south toward our next family visit in Marietta, GA.

But getting together would be a real treat for me!

Rose said...

This is childhood friends and I had been going to meet here sometime this year and things have just got in the way...can't wait to see your next posts. I have read some of the books by Hamner...

Ruth Hiebert said...

That is so cool. I used to watch that show all the time.

Marie said...

This is so interesting! I would love to take a trip to see it all!

Annie Jeffries said...

There is so much to see in Virginia. When I'm out that way next spring, I may never want to come home.

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