Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Four O'Clocks

 What is this peeking through our porch fence?

It is our Four O' Clocks! We have lived in this house 33 years, And the Four O'Clocks were here when we came. Huge bushes of them. They come up regularly every year. You might say as regular as clockwork.They are called Four O'Clocks because that is about the time they open up. But in reality it is the temperature that makes them open. They like late in the day when it is cooler. So they will not open in the high heat. 

“Standing at her bedside he spoke to the fever, rebuking it, and immediately her temperature returned to normal, and she got up and prepared a meal for them!”
Luke 4 



Reanaclaire said...

How cute! They are really named Four O'clocks because they only open up in the afternoon? hahhahaa.. that is an unique name for the flowers!

Hootin Anni said...

Everywhere we lived when I was a youngster, we had 4 O'clocks in our mother insisted. I love their fragrance. And the blossoms last a long, long time. From mid Spring to late Summer up until it freezes [at least in Colorado]

Enjoyed these photos.

Karen said...

So bright and cheery! Lovely photos and header!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are gorgeous, i love both colors but if could only have one it would be that stunning yellow.... these are the two colors we have in our moss roses.

LV said...

My neighbor has a few of these, but they seem to forgot when it is four a clock. They have never looked as beautiful as yours.Enjoy them.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Pretty.... I love the colors. Ginny, Is this a climbing vine? I am looking for something that will climb up some telephone pole wires in our yard. We have tried Clematis 2 or 3 times, and just can't get it to grow..... It's in a semi-shaded area in our yard.....

Thanks for your thoughts.

Carla from The River said...

How fun, I did not know that about them. They sure are beautiful.

DawnTreader said...

Never heard that name before (four o'clock flower) ... via Wikipedia I found the Swedish name, and if I translate that back to English it would be Miracle flower!

Ruth Hiebert said...

This is another example of a simple flower that is so beautiful. I used to grow them too,but it's been a while.Thanks for reminding me of their beauty.

Ann said...

they're pretty.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

your flowers are always a deluught to see

Nancy Chan said...

They are so bright and the colours so vibrant! I have 3 seedlings growing but I do not know their colours yet. Looking forward to see them bloom. Have a colourful weekend!

Tamago said...

They are so pretty! It's nice to wake up in the morning and get greeted by those beauties. Well, I guess they have been waking up later than you :-)

DeniseinVA said...

They are so pretty Ginnie. I would enjoy having those in my garden.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They are so vibrant!

photowannabe said...

I do like the way the flowers are peeking through the rails. Great contrast.

Unknown said...

So pretty, I never knew these flowers had such a fun name. Gorgeous colors, so amazing that you've had them all these years!

Small Kucing said...

my home used to have these when i was young. I love to hunt for the black seeds and keep them.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...