Monday, August 29, 2016

Venus & Jupiter

On Saturday night an extraordinary thing happened. Venus and Jupiter did a dance, so to speak. They passed and almost touched. They will not be this close again until 2065. So of course I was out waiting with my camera.

Here is a picture I got of Jupiter about a year ago. It looks the same as this year, like a pizza! Can you see the crust edges?

I'm going for a snack now.

“Look up into the heavens! Who created all these stars? As a shepherd leads his sheep, calling each by its pet name, and counts them to see that none are lost or strayed, so God does with stars and planets!”

Isaiah 40


Ann said...

Wow, that's pretty fascinating. I'm either never awake when this stuff happens or if I am, it's too cloudy to see anything. Good thing I read your blog and get to see it here.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I saw this on Memorial Meander's that they saw it in Africa 2. I never see anything like this I never think of it and I'm never awake anyway but I don't think I would even if I were. Good job. It just said on TV that they think they're hearing someone trying to contact us from outer space I wonder if it's coming from one of these. Maybe they're trying to contact you to say stop taking pictures hahaha

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I had read about this --but we didn't get to see it.... I'm sure that my son Jeff was outside with his telescope....

Love this entire post. The blog background is PERFECT --and the scripture verse is so appropriate.


CalamityJr said...

Amazing! So glad you share such beautiful events. I'd certainly never see them on my own. Thank you!

Tamago said...

Wow! What special moments you captured. It's really fascinating!
Haha, Jupiter does look like pizza with crust edges :-)

Bobbie said...

Yes! It does! Pizza!! You take the best planet/moon pictures!!

Carla from The River said...

:-) Amazing!! I just love your love for nature and the beauty of our world. You share so many beautiful things, butterflies, flowers, planets, sunsets .... I guess that is why I enjoy your blog so. :-)
Fun post, thank you!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Awesome Ginny

Ruth Hiebert said...

Amazing captures.

Nancy Chan said...

Amazing sighting! Did you take pizza for your snack?

Hootin Anni said...

This is extraordinary Ginny.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...