Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Hibiscus - The Yellows

Around here, most of the hibiscus are red, pink,and white. So when I see a sunny yellow one, I always take a picture. I love them! Yellow represents the promise of a positive future!

 “I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.
Jeremiah 29


Nancy Chan said...

Ginny, I love your yellow sunny hibiscus! My yellow hibiscus flowered its first bloom only yesterday! Your banner is beautiful.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

What a lovely fower to brighten up a dull day here today. Thanks for all the shots Ginny

From the Kitchen said...

I don't think I've ever seen a yellow hibiscus. It's beautiful.


Reanaclaire said...

Hibiscus is my country's national flower, but I have not seen yellow ones before... ours here are red in color... Very nice blooms, Ginny!

Hootin Anni said...

I truly LOVE hibiscus! Of any color!!!!

LC said...

Hibiscus has such a dramatic flower and I love the yellows in daffodils, pansies, too. It is such a happy color . . . except on me! I avoid wearing yellows. It is a sad, unfortunate color on me.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Absolutely stunning. They look like sunshine. Really really really gorgeous

Bobbie said...

Beautiful! I love yellow ... It's such a happy color.

Karen said...

I love hibiscus and the yellow with the deep pink center is absolutely gorgeous!! Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Tamago said...

I don't see yellow hibiscus much around here, either. They are delightful! They look very happy and beautiful with sun shining on them :-)

Ann said...

What a pretty hibiscus that is.
I had to laugh at your comment on my blog about me being made for hats because I've actually always hated wearing them :) Recently I've seen some really cute ones though that I've thought about buying

LV said...

These flowers are so pretty no matter the color. I have tried to raise them but not too successful.Both of you take care.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The Hibiscus is lovely in any color.This one is stunning.

Gail said...

Beautiful. My sister gifted me with pink and they do very well.

Carla from The River said...

I did not know that about yellow. :-)
Beautiful photos.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

These are so pretty. Are they from your yard?

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...