Saturday, October 29, 2016

Fall Hay

After showing you hay with faces, now let's look at regular hay bales out in the fields. Each field looks different and unique.

“Make hay while the sun shines—that’s smart; go fishing during harvest—that’s stupid.”

Proverbs 10


Nancy Chan said...

Lovely autumn colours. Love to see the hay bales neatly placed in a row.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

who knew farmers were artists? these are most definitely Hay Art.. I love the first and the last best of all but they are all spectacular.. what a beautiful field in all of them...I once followed with my camera a friend who had one of these bails on the back of the tractor, he drove, his wife picked out piles of hay and they spread it all over. the cows lined up like they were following the pied piper. many years ago.

Ann said...

Love it. I don't know what it is but I love the look of all those hay bales scattered throughout the fields. When I see them here I always want to pull over and take pictures

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fall photos, Ginny. That hay represents a lot of hard work, doesn't it? Have a blessed Sunday.

From the Kitchen said...

Autumn in the Old Dominion! Love it!


LV said...

Very true, always make hay when the sun shines. You found some wonderful sunshine sights today. May you have a good week.

Carla from The River said...

Hello Friend,
Thank you for the prayers last week. Our friend has a son in the Navy and he made it home for his grandpas funeral. The Red Cross helped get him home.

I love the photos today. Thank you for sharing the SUN! We have not seen it in 4 days. Boo Hoo, I miss my sunshine. November is a very cloudy month here in Wisconsin so I have a ways to go. In fact November is our cloudiest month.

Love, Carla

Tamago said...

Such beautiful sceneries! I love gorgeous autumn colors and just love seeing hay bales in the field! They look so peaceful like cows :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ginny, I love how in the East, the bales are those big round kind. In California, we usually see the small rectangular bales. Gorgeous pasture scene. Have a fine week ahead. You and yours are in my prayers.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I am fascinated with fields filled with bales of hay.I think I like the symmetry.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love seeing fields of hay. There have been quite a few around here and I always enjoy them. Some fields are just loaded with them, the grass must have been extra thick! Beautiful shots, Ginny, I loved seeing the gorgeous fall trees, too. Have a nice day!

Summer said...

Wow! So gorgeous♥

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I always like the fields once the hay is up. They look so clean.

Bobbie said...

I often find myself taking very similar pictures of hay bales. Great pictures, Ginny!


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