Friday, October 14, 2016

Pumpkin Barn

This pumpkin barn has been around for decades. There are never any pumpkins in it, but it is always fun to pass by. I have posted it before, but thought I would try a few fun edits this time. Especially since it is pumpkin season.

Starry Night Barn

Orange Aura Barn

Barn reflection

And for my friend Sandra, barn on fire.

“God will order a blessing on your barns and workplaces; he’ll bless you in the land that God, your God, is giving you.” ~ Deuteronomy 28


Linda said...

I love them all!!! I think Sandra is having an influence on us, don't you??

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

if I have to pick a favourirte it would be Orange Aura Barn but relaly I like them ALL. How did you do these Ginny?

Scott S. said...

Someone had a lot of fun painting this barn, you had fun playing with the picture and we are having fun seeing all your renditions!

Ann said...

What a neat barn. I wonder what the story is behind the painting. I like all of your edits but if I had to pick a favorite I think it would be the starry night or maybe the reflection.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you know me well, fire is my thing... I love the reflection and the starry night as number 2 and 3. cute moon. this is a really nice barn as are all the edits... it kind of looks like a covered bridge that they moved on to ground and painted to use as a barn....

LV said...

You are so smart. Love all the various shots of the barn. My favorite is the Starry night.

Tamago said...

That's a very cute barn, and oh my goodness, I LOVE your edits! I especially love the starry looks so magical :-) And the barn reflection is so cool!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Someone has gone to a lot of work to paint that barn,It is quite nice and fits the season right now.

Nancy Chan said...

Cute pumpkin barn! I love all the photos with the special effects. I wonder how you do the one with the reflection.

Hootin Anni said...

Love what you did with the 'starry night' effect!
Hi Ginny, I've been MIA in bloggerville lately, I will come back to catch up with your posts after I get back home from a birding day trip.

For now, tho, I'd like to thank you for stopping by I'd Rather B Birdin' this weekend. It's always a pleasure having you visit.

Bobbie said...

Oh Wow! I love them all! So pretty...

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos and love the effects you have created. To answer your question about the catbird Ginnie, I have never heard them call. I know the are mimics and think that is so neat. Have a great week:)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a cute barn. The special effects you did are so fun!

Filip and Kristel said...

Nice barn, lloks like Christmas.


Small Kucing said...

whoever who painted it did a very good job. Love the colors.

Oh no...barn is on fire.... LOL...glad it's not real


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