Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Mums - The Brilliant Purple

The mums are more beautiful then usual this year, and I have been taking lots of pictures. Here are just the purple ones. I will show other colors as the fall continues. Have you ever grown mums? I can only look. Whenever I buy any, I kill them immediately. I really have tried!

King Solomon once had a carriage built from fine-grained Lebanon cedar. He had it framed with silver and roofed with gold. The cushions were covered with a purple fabric, the interior lined with tooled leather.
Song Of Solomon 3


LV said...

I have a lot of mums and they are budding out. Nothing to compare to these beauties.

Anonymous said...

Your photos are beautiful, Ginny. It would not be Autumn without pumpkins and mums. I do not have success growing mums so I really appreciate your sharing these.

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW! I usually buy a pot or two of Mums in early fall.I like the jolt of color they bring to an otherwise drab landscape.These are gorgeous.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Beautiful photos, Ginny! I have tried to grow mums but haven't had any luck with them. I've given up planting them, but I do buy a couple for the front of the house. This year I bought 2 yellow mums.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

WOW! All the colours are amazing Ginny.

Reanaclaire said...

All Mums and Moms are so colorful and Beautiful!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that shot of all the different colors is a mazing, I did not know they came in all those colors, I have seen white and pink but not the other colors. we don't see them here, maybe the tropics are to hot.

Tamago said...

Wow, they are stunning! I love the round shape of plant and pretty colorful flowers! I've never grown mums, but based on your experience, I probably won't succeed, either :-)

Carla from The River said...

WOW ... I love the white.
I am a gardener, but the one plant that I have had no luck with is the mum. ;-)

Bobbie said...

Breathtakingly beautiful!!

DeniseinVA said...

I am not a mum grower either Ginnie, I always joke I have a toxic thumb and not a green one. Love your photos though and your header is spectacular :)

Ann said...

I love mums and have tried a couple times to plant them but they have never come back like my aunts used to. Hers were beautiful.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Those are beautiful mums! I never seem to be able to get mine to come back every year.

Nancy Chan said...

Mums? I have to google to find out what is mums and now I know that they are chrysanthemums. We see cut flowers in the flower shops. They are grown in the highlands. Love the photos showing the different colours.


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