Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The Dragons

Here in the mountains, people decorate for Halloween big time. The other day we happened to pass this yard while the people were still out decorating. It would have been even scarier if they had fallen off that ladder.

The main attraction seemed to be these big dragons.

Though hard to see, this is a headless horseman.

There was also an assortment of ghosts and skeletons.

“War broke out in Heaven. Michael and his Angels fought the Dragon. The Dragon and his Angels fought back, but were no match for Michael.” 
Revelation 12


DeniseinVA said...
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DeniseinVA said...

Second try Ginny. My fingers weren't catching up with my brain ;)

Great catch! Those dragons are so cool and I agree about the ladder.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

They are all so creative Ginny

Reanaclaire said...

So what do you normally put up for Halloween, Ginny? Over here, we are not encouraged to celebrate this occasion.. hahahaa.. so I never hang up anything like these before but it is fun to see.. Tricks or treats? That is more interesting!

Tamago said...

Wow, those are cool dragons! I like the skeletons, too! Love those decorations. They are ghosts and such, but looks rather cheerful :-)

From the Kitchen said...

I think people around here decorate more for Fall/Halloween than they do for Christmas. Makes it fun for the little trick or treaters.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the things in the first photo and the last photo are what I like, horse and skeleton and the creative ghosts. I saw an ad for home depot selling that horse... I hope my son doesn't see it, he will have to have one...

Nancy Chan said...

We do not celebrate Halloween here. I much prefer Christmas decorations.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Wow---people up there really do enjoy their decorating... I never see that kind of decorations down this way --but I don't drive much in areas where there are lots of children these days.. SO--maybe they do.

Thanks for the cute post.

Ann said...

The skeleton horse and rider are pretty cool. I used to do a lot of decorating but now I hardly put out anything.
I'm glad to hear your quilled decorations are holding up nicely.

Carla from The River said...

How fun! Our neighborhood also does a nice job decorating for Halloween. I can not believe it is almost Trick or Treat time!! This 2016 has gone so fast.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It always amazes me when people go all out like this!

LC said...

Just Boo-tiful , Ginny! Groan, I just couldn't resist.


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