Monday, October 31, 2016

Super Heroes

 Come along with us and see the girls Super Heroes as they came over in their costumes tonight! Here was our table.

My two favorite men.

Tonight we were visited by Cat Woman, Batman, and Robin! You would never guess they are our very own grands!

We gave them spider web glasses!

Which Phil & I tried on too!

From our house to yours, I hope your week rocks! And watch out for those super heroes.

 “I’ve crowned a hero, I chose the best I could find; I found David, my servant…”
Psalm 89


Ruth Hiebert said...

They look pretty cute.

Anonymous said...

How fun! I love those glasses!

photowannabe said...

How fun Ginny. Don't you love when the Grands come to visit?
To answer your Question about what you were looking at on my's looking through the end of an old piece of farming equipment. All rusted and very photogenic I think.
I do think it goes along with the QUOTE about the difference between looking and seeing.

Unknown said...

You had so much fun and they did too!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

send those super heros down here, I have much work for them to do. they look so cute. Ann makes a beautiful cat the glitter punkins

Hootin Anni said...

Of course you know by now I'm really into decoration for all seasons...LOVE your table!!
And the trio of super 'heroes' are awesome.

Tamago said...

Awwww, your super heroes are super adorable! They are soooo cute in those costumes :-) Looks like you all had a great time! Your table looks so much fun. Love the pumpkin!

Ann said...

The kids look great in their costumes. Your table looks great. Love that cat

Carla from The River said...

Sweet! I love the costumes and all the smiles.
Happy November to you!

LV said...

That is what masks Halloween fun the grand-kids. In my neighborhood, they are much to big for me to open my door.To answer your question on Outdoor Wednesday, no that is not me.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I love your table, Ginny, with the pumpkins and the cat! The kids are just so cute, and my favorite photo is the one of you and Phil with the kids!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I'm sure you all had a wonderful time dressing up and you all look pretty scary to me

Small Kucing said...

I love the cat i love the cat :)

You all look very cute :)

Reanaclaire said...

Your grands are so adorable, Ginny!! God Bless you and your family for taking care of them... :)

Nancy Chan said...

Pretty table decorations! I see a rat in the center of your table. Quick, get the cat to catch the rat! Hahaha! Your grand kids are so cute in their costumes. Such a fun family gathering!

Rose said...

They are so cute...I cannot believe that Anne Marie is so big!


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