Monday, October 16, 2017

Funeral Furniture

Since this is considered to be a scary month, I thought it the right time for this post. There is a woodworker who lives in our area, and he makes coffins. But with a twist. You can buy your own coffin, and use it for furniture until you die. Say, a nice bookcase or curio cabinet. Then when you pass on, your family is spared the sad task of choosing one for you.  A news paper had a huge article, with pictures of the coffin/furniture. So that is where my pictures come from. Thoughts?

Did you know there is a difference between a coffin and a casket? A coffin is a box that is tapered, and wider at the shoulder, it has about six sides. A casket is a four sided box.

Then he went over and touched the coffin. The pallbearers stopped. He said, “Young man, I tell you: Get up.” The dead son sat up and began talking. Jesus presented him to his mother.

Luke 7


Nancy Chan said...

Hmmm.... no thanks. Even though it sounds like a good idea to invest in one, use it first as a furniture and then finally as a coffin or casket. Have a beautiful day, Ginny!

Ann said...

That's an interesting concept. I can imagine having guests over and when they admire the shelf explaining to them that it's my coffin.

George said...

I think I'll pass on this furniture in our house.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what this world is coming to just amazes me.. morbid comes to mind, tacky is another word, NO is the 3rd word. and now I wonder is the cemetery will let anyone use this. I know we have to have the concrete thing it goes in, can't remember the name. so they might. I am now trying to think what people at the funeral might be saying behind their hands. it could be used to be cremated in. see I told you it gave me morbid thoughts. my son built one of these, but his is for Halloween decoration...

DeniseinVA said...

Interesting concept, practical but not for me. But then maybe ask me when I am in my 80s. I might change my mind. I wonder if he gets lots of orders? And now I know the difference between a coffin and a casket :) Great post with Halloween coming up Ginny.

Chatty Crone said...

I did not know the difference between the coffin and a casket. I don't think I would like that in my house though. lol

LV said...

Never heard of this and definitely would not want one. I have all my arrangements made but they are not in the house. What a blessing we are not all alike.

Tamago said...

Coffin/furniture! I could never come up with such an idea! I don't mind getting one for myself. But I don't want one for my family because I don't like to think about the day I have to use it. Didn't know the difference between coffin and casket!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Interesting,but not something I would want standing around in my house.

Joan said...

I never know this never hear about it ...

Christine said...

My dad would definitely be interested but not for me! I didn’t know the difference between a casket & a coffin so thanks for that info!
Thanks for your comments earlier about the old red school in Vermont. It sits right on the top of this road, featured in the first photo!
Best wishes!

Unknown said...

So interesting! I'm not sure I'd like it in my home though, knowing the real purpose :)

Carla from The River said...

Oh my!! Ginny, you had me laughing at first. ;-) Then I realized this was not a joke. Oh my!!!

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...