Friday, October 13, 2017

Two Fiery Nights

Not really fire, just fiery sunsets!

“The four creatures looked like a blazing fire, or like fiery torches. Tongues of fire shot back and forth between the creatures, and out of the fire, bolts of lightning.”
Ezekiel 1


Nancy Chan said...

Spectacular fiery sunsets! Really looks like the sky is on fire! Have a blessed weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

spectacular fiery skies and they do look like fire. the scripture verse could be used to create in a sci fi movie... I thought that because I ordered something for Bob and it said good until 2020... I told him 2020 is what the old scifi movies used as futuristic... and it is looming

Ann said...

Awesome, amazing, stupendous and any other word that may apply. You always have the most gorgeous sunsets there.

George said...

You got great pictures of an awesome sunset. Beautiful.

From the Kitchen said...

I love those Virginia sunsets!!


Tamago said...

Stunning sunset! It would be nice to be the bird in the first photo to look over the glorious sunset :-)

Ruth Hiebert said...

It does look like fire in the sky.You captured these so well.

Hootin Anni said...

Ginny, I just read your comment about Bird ID...
I went to your Google Plus Profile and can't find an email of yours

So, it you'd like me to help, give me your email address in a comment for me [I'll delete the email as soon as I get it to not compromise your privacy] and send you an email so you have MY email that is always private on my blog.

Karen said...

Stunning sunsets!! Have a blessed weekend.

Hootin Anni said... your email address...sent you an email....and deleted your comment with the info for privacy as I promised. :-)

DeniseinVA said...

These are glorious skies Ginnie, very dramatic cloud formations also. Spectacular photos Hope you are having a wonderful weekend and a Happy Sunday to you :)

Carla from The River said...

WOW!!! As always you captured a beauty.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...