Monday, October 23, 2017

The Many Faces Of Pumpkins

We had our girls on Saturday! The first thing we did was decorate these small pumpkins.

Here are some other pumpkins I have seen - each different.

These are some of the biggest pumpkins in the state, just a few blocks away. Anne Marie was amazed.

“Their faces looked like this: In front a human face, on the right side the face of a lion, on the left the face of an ox, and in back the face of an eagle. So much for the faces.”

Ezekiel 1


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

the girls decorated the pumpkins beautifully and I have never seen such diverse and large pumpkins Ginny. The girls are rreally growiing up.

Unknown said...

Those girls look so proud of their pumpkins! What fun and joy you bring into their lives! Those huge pumpkins are amazing - someone certainly has a green thumb!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all the happy faces make me smile, the kids faces and the pumpkin faces. love that lumpy punkin and the giant ones to. my back hurts thinking about how they got all those pumkins in front of that house. love the house to. I like they way the girls decorated without cutting the pumpkins. so cute. I have seen people painting pumkins different colors, but the blue one looks like glass and is beautiful

Christine said...

Oh my what a super assortment of pumpkins! I can hardly imagine pumpkins so large!
Your dear girls really had fun painting their pumpkins!

Lady Jane said...

The girls are having so much fun. I love Halloween and enjoyed it so much when my grandkids were small. One day I hope they will give my some greats to have fun with. That picture of Anne Marie is wonderful. hugs, lj

George said...

You've definitely found a wide variety of pumpkins to share.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute little pumpkins the girls decorated.... AND--you posted so many different pumpkins. That HUGE one is amazing...

Those granddaughters are growing up much too fast.


Ann said...

This time of harvest is so fun to share with the grands!!! They look so stikin proud of their creations. I adore the new header!!

Tamago said...

Wow, your granddaughters decorated the pumpkins so nicely! So cute! They must have had lots of fun :-) Also enjoyed many different pumpkins. The blue pumpkin and the one wearing sweater are very pretty. Some others no longer look like normal pumpkin hahaha :-)

LV said...

Two cute,happy "pumpkins" creating their own.

Ruth Hiebert said...

The girls pretty smiles are even better than those on the pumpkins.

Ann Thompson said...

These are all great pumpkins. The girls did a fantastic job of decorating theirs. I like the pumpkin that looks like its knitted.
Gibbs doesn't get free reign of the house when we are at work so he doesnt have access to the couch. Henhas to settle for his dog bed

Chatty Crone said...

Okay the girls are cute pumpkins and they made cute pumpkins. That is such a nice age. Now there were some really different looking pumpkins you had there Ginny. Loved them.

DeniseinVA said...

Your granddaughters always have the sweetest smiles, and having such a great time with you. I enjoyed looking at all the pumpkin pics. Great post Ginny.

Carla from The River said...

What fun!
I love the last pumpkin made out of straw. :-)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You are such a good grandma! The girls are so cute and having such fun with the pumpkins. I'm amazed at those large pumpkins like Anne Marie. It's fun to see how many different ones there are and the sizes.

About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...