Tuesday, October 3, 2017

The Goodwill Raven

Here is the entrance of our Goodwill.

Walking inside today, I heard loud caws. CAW CAW CAW. Looking into the parking lot and up, I saw this.

Instead of a watch dog, it was a watch crow! He was looking all around. And every time anyone drove in and got out of their car, he cawed and cawed loudly.

Uh oh! He's spotted my camera! Gotta run, see ya later!

“And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting” 
E.A. Poe
“And sure enough, ravens brought him his meals, both breakfast and supper, and he drank from the brook.”
1 Kings 17


Linda said...

And did you find some Treasures at the Goodwill?

Nancy Chan said...

Very interesting watch crow! Looking forward to see what you found at the Goodwill! Have a beautiful day!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

I would say a good watch dog, sorry crow. got the Monday post fixed so I hope you were abke to now read about the interesting hostory surrounding the Londonderry Arms Hotel. Off to Malawi to my fmaily here tomorrow but post all scheduled in but i will not be commenting from here.

Small Kucing said...

You have changed my mind. Off all the books I read, Raven seems to be a bad omen type of bird. But it look so nice here in the photo

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos and close-ups of the Crow. It makes a lovely header shot and I always enjoy those. I have read that crows are very smart birds. I read that they will stand on anthills and let the ants climb on on them. Then, the bird will rub the ants into their feathers. It is called anting and is used to ward off parasites. Ants can also cause birds to get drunk from the formic acid released from the ant’s bodies. Isn’t that amazing? Thank you for sharing this super post. They are always fun and very interesting. Have a great day Ginny :)

Unknown said...

They talk to each other too! My mom had one that would sit on a telephone line overlooking her yard. When she would throw out her stale bread that watch crow would caw, caw, caw and soon there would be a whole yard full of crows gobbling up the bread!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

as he was sitting, sitting, sitting he was saying nevermore, nevermore. Poe scared me silly when I was in highschool... great shots of the raven. the crows or black birds at WM right now are really BIG

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you helped answer a question bob asked me yesterday. he saw a black bird, just one, he said it was the biggest he has ever seen, because of your post I researched, and if it is one or 2 and big it is a raven, crows are smaller and stay in groups. now we know

Karen said...

I learned something about crows and ravens! This one is taking his job as watchman seriously. lol

Reanaclaire said...

I love going to Goodwill, can get some really good stuff there especially those crockery.. Wish I could bring lots of them back home the last time I went..

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You've captured the crow's beauty.

George said...

You got some great pictures of the watch raven.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I have always liked hearing the crows cawing. Strange, huh? I've never heard anyone else ever say that. lol! Did you find anything you liked at Good Will?

LV said...

You are the best at finding different and interesting things. Very unusual.

Tamago said...

Good watch crow, supervising what's going on down there :-)

Filip and Kristel said...

Great Raven shots, top header picture.


Ann Thompson said...

I guess the deals at Goodwill were something to crow about. Love the shots

Anni said...

Wow!! Awesome.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These are fantastic shots.

Carla from The River said...

Spooky! ;-) Great photos as always my friend.

UplayOnline said...

Off to Malawi to my fmaily here tomorrow but post all scheduled in but i will not be commenting from here.


About Face

 We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...