“Because of the sacrifice
of the Messiah, his blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we’re a free people—free of penalties
and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free!”
Ephesians 1
We came upon this at an art park. Each of the sides is different. And the cut-out part is also in the shape of a face. There's nothing ...
Decorations looks colorful. But not too scary when we see through this...
They certainly went over the top. I can only what it must look like when it gets dark and they put eerie lights up. Not for me truth be told.
Scary for adults too! Eerie idea!
That does look scary! From time to time, I see some way too scary Halloween stuff out there.
P.S. Niko loves silvervine. My kitties don't care about most cat nip (there are some that they like) but silvervine is always a hit :-)
I'll bet they had fun preparing their decorations. Boo!
To me, this is just really bad taste. Not fun at all.
My boys are at an age where they would find this fascinating. They love scary movies, and often like to watch Goosebumps. But I think younger kids would be terrified.
not to my taste at all. the world loves horror now, all the new shows are horror related and I don't watch or like any of them, and Halloween Horror is not to my taste at all. my son loves it but he did not get it from me.
I have to admit - I really don't like it for a neighborhood - too mature of a theme. lol
I don't know about scary but not my idea of good Halloween decorations. When did Halloween go from ghosts and goblins to murder and mayhem
That is way beyond what is decent. I'm not a great halloween fan to begin with and this is one of those reasons.
Someone has a sick mind.
I agree!
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