Monday, February 26, 2018


Spring is almost here! Here is some of the fanciness it has brought in the past.

"Earth laughs in flowers."


Linda said...

Ginny, I love how you coordinate your header to your posts! You are so creative! Such beautiful photos and I love the scriptures you close your posts with!

Ann said...

A big dose of spring is just what I needed this morning. These are gorgeous. I think the second one down is my favorite but all of them are so pretty. I can't wait to start seeing the flowers blooming again. We're getting closer.

Unknown said...

Yay Spring! So pretty!

Sandi said...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

the earth does laugh with flowers. love that. love those peppermint colored flowers best of all. flowers make me feel happy, especially yellow ones. i love wild flowers most but any flower is happiness

Karen said...

The flowers are glorious!!

George said...

Thanks for sharing these beautiful tulips.

crafty cat corner said...

I like that little phrase 'Earth laughs in flowers' so beautiful.
Hope you are okay Ginnie, been thinking of you.

Carla from The River said...

Spring FEVER has set in!

Joanne said...

Beautiful! I can't wait for spring. I'm looking forward to planting our garden.
Blessings, Joanne

Christine said...

Oh how beautiful and uplifting! They seem so exotic right now as we are in the midst of a Siberian blast of freezing cold weather!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Those blooms sure brighten the day.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness wonderful - beautiful - bright flowers. I love them!


Tamago said...

Wow, what beautiful blossoms! It’s been so warm that many flowers are blooming here, too.
Love the quote. Earth laughs in flowers indeed :-)

Ann said...

We still have some winter coming here I'm sure, I remember actually seeing snow on the ground on Easter Sunday!! Truly beautiful pics.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Oh how pretty! I LOVE flowers! I just love our early Spring in Atlanta but I know we will have some cold snaps in March.

Nancy Chan said...

Beautiful and colourful flowers! I like the "earth laughs in flowers"!

Sunday Sunset