Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Moon And The Dog.

The full moon is Thursday. I will not be able to snap it then, because it is to rain until Saturday. So tonight when the sky was clear, I snapped a couple close ups.

And while I was at it, I snapped Sirus, the Dog Star. It is the brightest in the sky right now, and is blue. But it will flash different colors at times. In ancient Egypt, it's name meant sparkling or scorching. It was associated with their God Osiris. The straight edge is part of our car.

“This is what the wheels looked like: They were identical wheels, sparkling like diamonds in the sun.” 
Ezekiel 1


Ann said...

Amazing as always.

Christine said...

Oh wow, Ginny! You must have a powerful lens to take such terrific shots of the moon & the Dog Star! I love the blue tones of it!

Reanaclaire said...

Awesome! The moon looks very snowy here... Nice shots you have captured, Ginny!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the moon was so big and beautiful at 5:20 this morning i could hardly drive. at one point it was sitting right on top of our hospital. it was beautiful. hospital black against the sky, with a few lights sparkling and the biggest moon i have seen in ages sitting right on top...

George said...

All of these photos are beautiful, Ginny. I've never tried to photo a star. I doubt that I would get much with my equipment.

Linda said...

My goodness! You take such awesome photos! I was watching the moon on Monday night. So pretty but I can’t take pics like you do. Then last night I walked all the down the driveway thinking I was looking at the moon but it was just the street light envelopedin the fog. Still, it was pretty and spooky at the same time. You would have made some awesome photos of it!

Chatty Crone said...

Do you have like a telephoto lens - how do you get those beautiful shots Ginny - I mean it! Love, sandie

Ruth Hiebert said...

Once agin you got some amazing shots. Remind me again, what kind of equipment are you using?

Tamago said...

Gorgeous moon photos and very pretty Dog Star!
We are having tons of rain here. Glad you got to snap some before rain moves in your area :-)

Carla from The River said...

I LOVE these posts Ginny. Keep them coming, I like the history you shared this time.
I heard this moon on Thursday is called the Worm Moon. ;-)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

That is an amazing shot, Ginny! Love all of these. Did you get a new camera? It takes a very good closeup of the moon. I need to dig my tripod out to get shots when I have my lens extended, I can't seem to hold the camera still any more.

Nancy Chan said...

Your take great moon pictures! I am learning something new today. Dog star is new to me!

Sandi said...

So beautiful. I wonder why it's blue.

Sunday Sunset