Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Global Greetings

Phil and I were at a glass blowing place, and they had all these beautiful blown glass globes. Of  course, we couldn't resist having some fun with them.

“In the same way, we can see and understand only a little about God now, as if we were peering at his reflection in a poor mirror; but someday we are going to see him in his completeness, face-to-face. Now all that I know is hazy and blurred, but then I will see everything clearly, just as clearly as God sees into my heart right now.”
1 Corinthians


annie said...

What fun. When we get together again, you will have to show us this place.

Sandi said...

GREAT shot!

The Feminine Energy said...

How funny, Ginny! :) In Chicago there's something called "The Bean" and it's usually on visitors' to-do list when they go to Chicago... visit The Bean. It's a HUGE orb like the one you've pictured here and everyone takes their picture with it. Google it if you wish... it's a fun thing to see. Blessings~ Andrea xoxo

The Feminine Energy said...

PS~ I really meant to say "how fun" but "funny" ended up in the comment. I think my fingers automatically finish words sometimes... kind of like auto-correct. :-D

Ann said...

What a cool place. You and Phil seem to find something fun wherever you go.

DawnTreader said...

Reflections nearly always make for fun photography! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I want to go there, you knw how much i LOVE Glass, these are amazing.. there is one about 40 miles from here, i need to go. for a price a person can make their own glass... you two are adorable in you glass balls

George said...

It looks as if the two of you really enjoyed your visit to this place.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You two are so much fun!

Chatty Crone said...

Phil does a lot with you - I love him for that - so sweet and I know you are to o. I love, love, love that verse too.

Lois said...

Such fun pictures! The glass is beautiful.

Ruth Hiebert said...

Fun times. Those glass globes would look lovely in a garden as well. I love the verse you added.Yes,some day we will see clearly.

Linda said...

You two have fun no matter what you do or where you go! I love that about y’all!

Tamago said...

Looks like you both had fun there! Those glass globes are beautiful. I love the last one with multiple globes with your image on each one :-)

L. D. said...

Great message. I use to have a globe and could never take a picture of it without being in the photo.

Bobbie said...

Ginny, you take the coolest pictures!!

Sunday Sunset