Wednesday, February 21, 2018


After my C.T. Scan yesterday, they let me come home! I am now waiting for the doctor to call with the results. I am thinking it can't be that bad, or I would have known much sooner. Feeling happy today!


Cheryl @ TFD said...

So glad you got to come on home. That is good news! I'm praying for a good report. Hugs, Cheryl

Carla from The River said...

I will continue to pray.
Love, Carla

Unknown said...

Praying that the news is very good!

Karen said...

Hope you receive a good report.

Sandi said...

Praying for good news, Ginny! :)

Chatty Crone said...

I am happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

So happy you are home and that means no hospitalization or they would have admitted you. prayers for both of you. that is one magnificent brick wall, wow. love the house to

Ann Thompson said...

Letting you go home had to be a good sign too. So glad to hear that. Praying for good results from the CT scan

From the Kitchen said...

Hope all turns out well for you my friend.


LV said...

So grateful all reports sound like good results.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I would agree that if the news was bad they would have contacted you earlier or kept you in. Praying that the results will be good.

The Feminine Energy said...

Yes, if the CAT scan would have showed something your doctor would not have let you get out into the parking lot without calling you back, I'm guessing. But there's always exceptions to that "rule"... so minds will be eased when you hear something definitive. I'm glad though that you're home, sweet friend. Prayers answered. Now for the question... what caused you to have such symptoms that they thought something was wrong? That's the worrisome part. Lovingly~ Andrea xoxo

Linda said...

Glad you are home! Still praying about those results!

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Here’s hoping your guess is right. But you still need a follow up so sending good vibes.

crafty cat corner said...

Hi Ginny
So sorry, I have only just seen your post. I haven't been on the blogs for a few days. I do hope the news will be good.
There is such a lot going on here with Tom. His wound got infected and he had to have it cleaned and is now going every other day to get it packed. He is a bit weak and has lost a lot of weight but we are getting there slowly. Next thing is possibly another stent in his heart. It seems never ending but he copes so well.
Lots of healing thoughts coming from this end that all is okay for you.

Christine said...

I'm sure it feels so good to be home!
Hope you are doing well too!

Shug said...

Oh Ginny.....trusting for a great report on your scan. Take care of yourself. such a beautiful picture in your header. love that brick fence....and the house!!

Lois said...

So glad you are home and happy!

Tanya Breese said...

I am glad you are home!!

Nancy Chan said...

Happy to know you are home. Praying for clear and good result!

George said...

I'm glad you're home and I hope you will soon have good news from the doctor.

Sunday Sunset