Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Local Characters

We live in a beautiful small valley surrounded by mountains. But, like most places, we do have some real characters. These are pictures I have snapped at different times. It was not Halloween, these people were just seen walking around town. Do you have any oddballs where you live?

A bit of extra protection.


Hansel & Gretel perhaps?

You can draw your own conclusions here.

The chief wing nut.

Who knew that Superman travels by scooter now...

Miss America?

The Grim Reaper and some of his cohorts.

Yellow camouflage. These two words do not go together.

"The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel

P.S. Still waiting for the doctor to call. That has to be good.


Ann said...

Those are definitely some interesting characters. We have lots of oddballs around here. Then again I suppose those people may think I'm an oddball :)

crafty cat corner said...

Brighton on the south coast of uk is well known for odd balls.
Glad that you are still waiting for the call, its got to be a good sign.

Hootin Anni said...

Oh yes...we too have 'em! Comin' out of the woodwork so to speak!

I sure hope you're feeling better today Ginny (I just read your last two posts)!

Unknown said...

Wouldn't it be fun to hear the true story behind some of these colorful characters!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

if you want to see oddballs, just come to Florida.. we often discuss all the sights we see, we are truly diverse. i do have to say i have never seen a wing nut or a tutu like these. you sure found different views of different people. i was worried about how i was dressed for the funeral. after i got home i said to bob, i could have gone in my housedress and no one would notice, jeans and jeggings and shorts oh my.

Karen said...

My son's friend dressed in an odd-ball manner back when they were teens and his Mother put a stop to it real fast. The son whined: "Mom, why can't I be different like everybody else??"

From the Kitchen said...

These photos made me feel right back home this morning!!


Chatty Crone said...

I hope the doctor has good news.

I love the bible quote of the day.

And you are sure those weren't for Halloween.

George said...

Your little town definitely has its share of characters.

Lois said...

Interesting! We used to have a guy who dressed up in superhero costumes and rode around on his bike, but I haven't seen him in years.

The Feminine Energy said...

*bahahahahahaha* Ohhh Ginny, what a hoot these pictures are! The next time I have anybody ask me why I leave the homestead so seldom, I'll refer them to your page. No further explanation will be necessary!! :-D So glad the doctor hasn't called yet. That's got to be a good sign!! Lovingly~ Andrea xoxo

Joan said...

No ,not here but sometimes in amsterdam,greetings,Joan

Christine said...

It seems you might be at Walmart as that's where such characters seem to hang out in droves!
Fun pictures!

Ruth Hiebert said...

You definitely have some winners there. Yes, we do have some 'special' people around my town as well.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

If you really want to see "different" all you need to do is go to WalMart, especially in warmer weather. lol! And I'm still doing a double take when I see turquoise or purple hair.

Nancy Chan said...

We do have some oddballs here but they are no where as interesting as yours! I hope the doctor will have good news for you!

Sandi said...

"Yellow camouflage. These two words do not go together."


Hahhahah! Where the heck do you live??

Glad to hear your results were OK.

Sunday Sunset