Sunday, February 25, 2018

The Closing

Two weeks ago, I showed you the opening ceremony of The Olympics. Now I will show you the closing ceremony. It was all so beautiful that I snapped 145 pictures!! So it took quite awhile to narrow it down. So for those who did not see it, here it is!

“You’ve all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You’re after one that’s gold eternally.”
1 Corinthians


Linda said...

Beautiful and no. I didn't see it so I really enjoyed your pictures!

The Feminine Energy said...

Gorgeous, Ginny! How are you feeling, by the way. Hopefully much better. Prayers have continued on your behalf. Lovingly~ Andrea xxx

Nancy Chan said...

Thank you, Ginny! I am glad you shared these pictures! I missed the whole thing!

Ann said...

WOW, no wonder you took so many pictures. Very impressive. That must have been some show.

Unknown said...

Amazing! I didn't get to see it, so fun to enjoy your pics~

Reanaclaire said...

So colorful and you managed to capture them so beautifully!!

From the Kitchen said...

It was amazing! I think I liked it better than the opening ceremonies.


George said...

You did a great job getting these photos of the closing ceremony. Your photos are beautiful.

Christine said...

Thanks so much for sharing these beautiful, amazing scenes from the closing ceremony as I did not see it.
Have a great week!

LV said...

Thanks for sharing this glorious sight. I did not get to see it so your post was a blessing to me. Also, understand you had to go to Google Chrome when Firefox acted up. Do you get all those ads? Wish I could stop them but understand cannot do iwth Google. I could with Firefox.

Sandi said...

I was going to say how much I like your swirly twirly light thing in your header, then scrolled down and saw it was part of the olympics. I had no idea. What an amazing sight!

Ruth Hiebert said...

WOW! I am one who didn't see this. Some of these pictures look like a design made with a spirograph.Very lovely. How are you? Any word from the doctor yet?

Carla from The River said...

I did not see it, this was nice, thank you. I like the fish circle best.

Tamago said...

Wow, thank you for sharing. Your photos are soooo beautiful! What amazing light works!

Chatty Crone said...

I did not see the pictures of the Olympics- you took over a hundred of them - from watching the tv? I will say that they were beautiful and colorful!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

That was quite a sight! It must have been truly amazing for those who saw it in person. I only watched the women's figure skating.
I love the tulip in your header photo. Gorgeous!

Joanne said...

Amazing photos! Thank you for posting these. I didn't watch the olympics this year and I don't know why. I used to love watching the opening and closing ceremonies. I missed out big time. Thank you for the recap
Have a great day
Blessings, Joanne

Sunday Sunset