Thursday, February 15, 2018

Gambling Granddaughters

The girls love it when we take them to the Go Kart track. And at the track, they have an arcade!

I was really looking forward to introducing them to Pac Man, Frogger, and Space Invaders. Turns out there are almost NO pinball machines anymore. I was woefully behind the times!!

Instead, they had all different kinds of other games. When you won, you got tickets that you could turn into candy and trinkets. They LOVED it! They went nuts! But I was very sad about no pinball!

Well, it is not actually gambling, because they were not betting on anything. But still...

The Claw Game is a they have in the store foyers. Can you see me standing behind Anne Marie?

So for now, just call me the Gamblin' Granny. And I'm O.K. with that as long as they give me some of their candy.

“Don’t gamble on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, hocking your house against a lucky chance. The time will come when you have to pay up; you’ll be left with nothing but the shirt on your back.”
Proverbs 22


Ann said...

LOL gambling granny, I like that. That looks like a fun place but just think how much more fun it could be with pinball and frogger and pac man. There used to be a small arcade near us that I went to all the time when I was dating my first husband. I think we spent way too many quarters there. How much do these machines cost now?

George said...

No pin ball machines? Whhat's the world coming to?!?

Unknown said...

Haha! So cute! So fun!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i got a spanking when i was 12 for sneaking off and playing a pinball machine. my dad lived his and our lives by this verse today. not even cards in our house, no pinball, no buying raffle tickets. i still do none of the above because we never did. when my son Daniel was 12 or so, his life was spent gathering money to play Pacman. he was addicted to Pacman and because of it stole some of his dad's coin collection to play that game. now he is 51 and addicted to playing games on his TV screen.. i was thinking he doesn't gamble for money but in a way he does because he buys those games

The Feminine Energy said...

I absolutely **LOVE** these pictures, Gambling Granny Ginny!!! :-D I could feel the FUN radiating right out from the pics. I'm so glad you all had a great day. Thank you for sharing the joy! Lovingly~ Andrea xxx

Nancy Chan said...

Hi Gambling Granny! So cute!

Lois said...

Since all three of my grandkids call me "Granny" anyway, Gambling Granny sounds great to me. These are wonderful photos and looks like you all had a good time. I used to love pinball. Too bad it's not around much anymore.

Ruth Hiebert said...

These games have an attraction to the kids. Looks like the girls and Grandma all had fun.

Tamago said...

LOL Gamblin' Granny! :-) I always loved Claw Game and go cart!
I hope you got lot of candies :-)

Christine said...

I remember The Wheel of Fortune on TV! Love that you are happy with some candy funds! LOL!

photowannabe said...

Games can be addicting and it's sad that pinball isn't around much any more.
There is a Pinball Museum in Las Vegas. We went there a few years ago and had so much fun. All the machines in the place were working ones (for quarters) Some really old ones too.
I may have to post some of my photos from there if I can find them.
Perfect bible verse today!

Joanne said...

I haven't been in an arcade in years and years! I remember my kids going crazy over those tickets and sharing their candy with each other at the end of the day....sweet memories.Enjoy!
Blessings, Joanne

Chatty Crone said...

Gambling grandma - now we know - lol.

Sunday Sunset