Thursday, July 19, 2018

Garden Of Boots

Other than these plants growing out of a bathtub, what else do you notice?

Yep, there are a pair of shoes there. In fact, this garden is full of shoes and boots that are used as planters! It is just a few blocks from our house.

“Really! There’s no such thing as self-rescue, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. The cost of rescue is beyond our means, and even then it doesn’t guarantee Life forever…”
Psalm 49


Ann Thompson said...

What a clever gardener. A good way to use those old boots too rather than throwing them away.

Sandi said...

Love the bible verse! So true, isn't it?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a great idea, I did not see the boots in the first one until I read your question. my favorite boot is the second one... and when they wear out, just toss them... upcycle is my thing and never thought of this

George said...

What a neat use of old shoes and boots.

LV said...

Everything has a purpose. Never would have thought of doing this tho. Obviously, it works.

Tamago said...

It's such a fun way to use old shoes! And I love the bathtub, too :-)

Chatty Crone said...

That is absolutely delightful! I love it. I still ask how in the world do you find all these things?????????????????

Unknown said...

Such a wonderful Scripture, we try but there's only One true Source of rescue!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Someone has a creative way to use those old shoes.It is certainly eye catching.

DeniseinVA said...

Love how boots are used as planters, the bathtub too. Always enjoy your pretty photos Ginny.

Nancy Chan said...

Great idea to use used boots and shoes as planters. I wonder what my hubby and friends will say if I start them in my garden.

Sunday Sunset