Saturday, July 21, 2018

Hay Art

Around here, it seems like the farmers are making hay all year long, except in the winter.

And sometimes, they like to make art from hay.

“Make hay while the sun shines—that’s smart; go fishing during harvest—that’s stupid.”
Proverbs 10


L. D. said...

They must have a lot of cattle to feed year round. I like seeing the bales in the field.

Chatty Crone said...

The verse from the bible is interesting. Sandie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I always read the first part, then click on the photo and go through the slide show to get details. when the first one opened I thought they are 'making hay while the sunshines' which I have heard all my life. when I got to the sunshine hay bale I had to laugh. love all the pics and the one with the paws is my second favorite behind the sunshine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a blog friend had to give away her horses a few years ago, because they could not feed them. hay was so expensive they could not buy enough

Unknown said...

Haha! I always say "make hay while the sun shines". I never knew it was Biblical. Now I feel so spiritual!! :)

Sandi said...


Love the puppy. :)

George said...

Cute hay art!

LV said...

Love all the neat finds you share. We have a lot of big hay field more West of where I live. So glad you are doing better.

Tamago said...

Beautiful and peaceful sceneries! I love the view with the rolls on the vast field. And great hay arts. The hay bear is adorable!

Ruth Hiebert said...

The hay art looks great. Some farmer took great pains to make this and I like it.

Inger said...

the first picture is just gorgeous and the art ones are fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog. So glad you love donkeys too.

Anni said...


Carla from The River said...

The fourth photo is my favorite! I would make that into a card. Lovely!

Ann said...

Hey, that's a lot of hay. I love the teddy bear. How clever and creative.

Ida said...

Love the Hay Art, Clever and Fun.

DeniseinVA said...

Very cute photos. One of my favorites at home is a photo of a field of hay bales with a farmhouse in the background. I turned it into a painting using Paint Shop Pro, and it has been hanging on a wall now for several years.

Sunday Sunset