Sunday, July 22, 2018

Spotted Sandpiper

Look who I spotted looking for food on the shore of a pond. A Spotted Sandpiper! We do not get Sandpipers often, because we are not anywhere near a beach. I watched him in the golden evening light being very stealthy. What a treat!

“Your thoughts—how rare, how beautiful! God, I’ll never comprehend them! I couldn’t even begin to count them— any more than I could count the sand of the sea.
Psalm 139


Ruth Hiebert said...

Good for you.You got great pictures of him.

Chatty Crone said...

How did you find him and how did you know it was a Sandpiper?

Nancy Chan said...

It is almost camouflaged! A great capture!

Ann said...

Great pictures. It almost blends right into the background.

Tamago said...

What an adorable bird! I love the beautiful colors of the golden light!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

he is so beautiful, did you notice how perfectly he is wearing his cammo suit? he blends in so well with the background

George said...

You got some wonderful pictures of the sandpiper -- and of the light. Beautiful!

Tin and Sparkle said...

Yes the Lord can send a sandpiper any where He wishes!! Been slow getting to respond because my Mom fell last week and broke a hip. She was brought by ambulance up here for surgery and is working hard in rehab now. 91 and still trying the hardest she can. My Aunt, her baby sister at 80yrs young just had a stroke so it's been pretty stressful here.

Patsy said...

They are funnie birds ,like to see them run .

Ida said...

These birds are so fun. You got some great pictures of them.

Sandi said...

Gorgeous shots, Ginny!

L. D. said...

It is a great looking bird. He must have lost h is map and is out there trying to readjust his directions.

Inger said...

You were lucky to spot him the way he blends is. Beautiful pictures.

DeniseinVA said...

Great shots of the sandpiper. Always make me happy to spot something that I wouldn't normally see.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful and elegant looking bird. How fun that you got to capture this beauty!

Sunday Sunset