Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Better than mines of gold — a mint of dreams.
Better than bars of molten silver — the silver of a laugh.
Better than strings of pearls — the crystal of a tear.
Better than bands of choristers — a lute in the soul.

God trusts His nights of silent, silver pourings, and His dawns of blatant splendor.
He trusts His moons of molten gold, and His twilights of streaming beauty.

Muriel Strode


Linda said...

I can't tell you how happy I am to see your posts again! You were missed and you were - and ARE - prayed for! Love you, Ginny!

Ann said...

WOW, just spectacular. I thought of you last night when I saw the moon that if it's not full it sure is close.

Sandi said...


DeniseinVA said...

Pretty words to go with these stunning photos. “Molten” is an apt description for them. Happy day to you Ginny :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

blatant splendor is perfect for these photos. molten beauty.. spectacular!

Tamago said...

Such a beautiful sunset!

Inger said...

I find myself speechless seeing such beauty.

Ruth Hiebert said...

I hope I never get tired of seeing this kind of beauty.I'm pretty sure I won't.Thanks for sharing this.

Karen said...

Gorgeous sky pics. I like those adjectives, moons of molten gold and twilights of streaming beauty!

Shug said...

Wow......this sunset is quite stunning.... Absolutely gorgeous....

Nancy Chan said...

Fiery sunset sky! Those are great shots!

Lady Jane said...

How you can match your photos to such wonderful words is such a gift. You sure know how to capture a moment in time. hugs, lj

photowannabe said...

Thanks for your compliments on my blog Ginny.
About 18 months ago the new doctor I had said I had diabetes.
No one had ever said that to me before!
She said no flour and no fruit...
And so began my adventure in a whole new life style. I took her seriously and the pounds seemed to just fall off. My A1c numbers came back down in the normal range as did my glucose numbers.
Now as you saw I eat some forbidden "fruit" but still maintain.
Sandra H. and I are on a weight loss journey together. When I hit a plauteu I whine and pout and them it's back at it again. Still have 10 to 15 pounds to go...It seems to be the hardest part.
Oh by the way, I love yourFiery sky pics.

Anni said...

Beautiful words...spectacular photos!

Carla from The River said...

Amazing my friend.

Sunday Sunset