Wednesday, July 18, 2018


There are quite a few mimosa trees here, and they are still in bloom now. Many consider them an invasive nuisance plant. But they are so beautiful! The bark, leaves and flowers have been used for centuries in Chinese medicine. The bark is still known as 'Collective Happiness Bark', allegedly providing a spiritual boost for those who take it. Lets take closer and closer looks!

If only we’d stop trying to be happy, we could have a pretty good time. ~Edith Wharton


Ruth Hiebert said...

They look so beautiful. I love those fan shaped flowers.

Nancy Chan said...

Oh Ginny, they are so beautiful!

Ann said...

Invasive or not, that is pretty. The flowers on it are unique and beautiful and I love the leaves. They remind me of ferns.

Reanaclaire said...

What a nice pink and they look so feminine and sweet!

Karen said...

I love mimosas. We have some here along the walking trail. Your photos are great.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have always thought they were wonderful and beautiful. Georgia and FL are full of them. we had a small one by our mail box in St Pete, but Elena the hurricane flattened and killed it.. also took out our orange tree, that was more than 30 years ago... I did not know they had value other than being pretty

George said...

This is a beautiful photo sequence.

Sandi said...

"If only we’d stop trying to be happy, we could have a pretty good time. ~Edith Wharton"


Tamago said...

Even though they are considered nuisance, they sure are beautiful! I think just looking at the pretty blossoms provides spiritual boost :-)

Anni said...

....they're beautiful!

DeniseinVA said...

Great photos of this beautiful tree Ginny. Gives it real perspective. I didn’t know it was considered invasive. Interesting about the bark. I remember the first time I ever saw one when I moved here. I thought it very exotic looking and those blooms are beautiful.

Carla from The River said...

I did not know they were considered invasive. I wonder why? Do they cause any harm to native plants?

photowannabe said...

I love the feathery softness and the pastel shade of pink. Lovely.

Sunday Sunset