Monday, July 30, 2018

The Fire Star

Just underneath the moon, I saw this. Brilliant red and shimmering. I wish my camera could have captured the shimmery shine.

Of course it is Mars! Closer now than it has been in decades. The ancient Romans named Mars after their god of war because of its red, blood-like hue. The Chinese called it "the fire star".

I will politely pause while you laugh at these pathetic pictures! I later learned that even people with huge telescopes cannot see any detail on Mars now. This is because the planet is in the midst of a huge dust storm. So all anyone can see is red dust. But it was fun trying!

“They will go to war against the Lamb but the Lamb will defeat them, proof that he is Lord over all lords, King over all kings, and those with him will be the called, chosen, and faithful.”

Revelation 17


Nancy Chan said...

Wow! Ginny, you managed to capture Mars beautifully. It was a great shot. I couldn't even catch a glimpse of a tiny dot of it.

Ann said...

Very cool. I can't even get a good picture of the moon so I think these are fantastic.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

no laughter from me, I have never even seen this fire star, did not know mars is red, or any of the info here. I only know one thing about Mars until today. Men are from MARS. he he he.... I like the name fire star better than mars... I don't even know where mars is, you can tell I am not a sky watcher, not night sky, only bright sunny sky for me..

George said...

I think you did a gret job capturing Mars.

DeniseinVA said...

Wow, it is impressive that you got photos. I didn't know that and learned something new today. Nope, not laughing either, just learning and loving your photos :) Great post Ginny.

Linda said...

Louis Dean sat outside on the driveway last night with a glass of wine before we went to bed and was looking at Mars. Thanks to you we know what we were looking at - now! Last night Louis Dean said he thought it was a satellite! I can’t wait to go in there and tell him Ginny told me it was Mars!! I showed him the pics of the moon in yesterday’s was cloudy here.

Unknown said...

I think your pictures are great! Who can catch a huge red dust ball? Amazing!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Good for you for trying. Nothing wrong with these pictures.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Wow! It sure is red! You did great to capture it. No wonder it was called fire star

Chatty Crone said...

They are NOT pathetic - those are COOL! sandie

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I think this is so neat!

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

I'm pretty amazed that you could even find Mars in your lens! Well done!

Sandi said...

If someone had told you when you were a little girl that one day you would photograph Mars, would you have believed them?

Sunday Sunset