Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Summer Donuts

Here are some of the summer themed donuts at our grocery store's bakery. Which one do YOU want to eat?
Hot dog





Surf's up!

“As you ramble on through life,
Whatever be your goal,
Keep your eye upon the doughnut,
And not upon the hole.” 


DeniseinVA said...

Well, truth be told I could eat them all!!! Love how they are decorated, very clever in their designs. I suppose if there was one I would start off with it might be the Sun :) I have a hankering for a doughnut now :)

Ann said...

Well now I certainly feel like a lazy baker. We don't do anything like this where I work. Our donuts only get things like chocolate frosting or powdered sugar.

Nancy Chan said...

They are all beautifully decorated! I will pick the first flower doughnut!

Tamago said...

Wow! What fun donuts! All of them are very pretty! Never seen donuts decorated in such creative way around here. I especially love the hot dog :-)

Karen said...

I wish I had learned cake decorating! They are all cute, but the hot dog is really unique!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love anything chocolate so that makes it an easy choice, of course we know I can't but if I could the hotdog with choc under it

Chatty Crone said...

I'll take the sunshine one!

Ida said...

Yum! I'll take the Butterfly.

Sunday Sunset