Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Bowls

Several years ago, we went to a Dale Chihuly exhibit. He is a master glass artist. But I hadn't known that he makes bowls! Well, artistic ones, not ones you would actually use. Here are a few.

Frog bowl

Green shell bowl

Bowls inside bowls!

And lastly, what I call The Darth Vader Bowl. I like the shadow better than the bowl.

“Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” Getting to his feet, he told the wind, “Silence!” and the waves, “Quiet down!” They did it. The lake became smooth as glass.”
Luke 8


Ann said...

Those are very unique bowls. I can't help thinking that they look like bowls gone wrong. If I made something that looked like that people would say oh my what happened to that one? But an artist can make something that looks like this and sell it for big bucks.

Karen said...

It is fascinating to watch a glass blower at work! These are beautiful.

Tamago said...

Beautiful bowls! I like the 2nd and 3rd ones very much!

Nancy Chan said...

The shell bowls are beautiful and fascinating! Very interesting art!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I do love his glass, but the frog is one I don't think even my mother the frog collector would want. not my taste but the others I love all of them.. if I could pick ONE for me for FREE it would be the green shell. you are making me want to drive over the dreaded sunshine sky way to see his glass

Chatty Crone said...

Those are very different and unusual.

DeniseinVA said...

I have always enjoyed Chihuly sculptures and didn't know he made bowls either. Do you know something? The first time I ever heard of Dave Chihuly was when I came across a sculpture in a small park near our hotel in London and read a plaque next to it. Then it slowly dawned on me that he was the same artist where I had seen a pretty glass ceiling in the Bellagio in Las Vegas a few years before. So, I had seen his work but never knew who the artist was. His works are tunning!

Tin and Sparkle said...

Glass blowing is such a unique skill set. We watched glass blowers on our trip to Silver Dollar City a few weeks ago. Like the bright green. Thanks for the kind thoughts on my 91 year old Mom. I believe her secret is her faith---through everything she keeps going and looking forward.

Carla from The River said...

WOW .. the frog is really cool.

Ida said...

They are so cool looking. I like the Frog Bowl the best.

Sunday Sunset