Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Burned By The Lensball

I am so clumsy that it figures there would be a way to be injured by my new lensball. I kept getting a sharp pain in my hand while holding it. The pain was a burn. You know how you can kill ants by focusing the sun on them with a magnifying glass? Well, that was the way I was holding the ball! Phil showed me a better way to hold it. I forged ahead as we went looking for lensball subjects. Holding it in the car, it got this cool rainbow! And there was no rainbow in the sky!

So here are some of my first attempts. A hot air balloon, upside down of course.

Foxglove flowers.

A wind spinner.

A hibiscus.

A lily.

At least I had a few successes.

"In memory's telephoto lens, far objects are magnified."

 ~John Updike


Ruth Hiebert said...

You got some great pictures. I had the same burning experience last summer when I used Steve's lens ball. I at first thought I was getting a sudden cramp in my fingers, but realized quickly that it was a burn.Always learning even as we grow older.

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

I never heard of a lens ball. I am impressed by the beauty it shows....wow. Just be careful with it 😁

Chatty Crone said...

I am with Kim - I have never heard of a lens ball, but I want one! They are amazing. I think you got some great catches - very impressive. sandie

Terra said...

OK, I had not heard of a lens ball, and might want to get one, seeing your results.

Linda said...

I didn't even know what one was until I saw Hootin' Annie had one! I think you are a naturaland will be a pro in no time! Yet another notch in your belt of photography skills!

Ann said...

These are very cool. I always enjoy Anni's lensball pictures too. I never thought about how it could burn but that makes sense.

Hootin Anni said...

I've been burned too. That's why the directions come with caution! It says shade use or use a stand. My favorite is the pinwheel!!

Nancy Chan said...

Lens ball is new to me. Beautiful pictures with the lens ball.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

while reading the post I was wondering if Anni would know how to use without burning, then saw her comment. she is the only person I know who uses one... I love the pink hibiscus best of all...

George said...

You are definitely getting the hang of the lens ball. I've never tried to use one. I just hope you get no more burns from using it.

Tamago said...

I've never seen a lensball but it looks so much fun! Great photos you've got here. So beautiful!

photowannabe said...

Sorry you got burned but you did get some great photos.
I really like the wind spinner and the hibiscus.
It's such an interesting concept.

LC said...

The first I've heard of a lens ball. Interesting and a bit scary!

Rose said...

Love them, Ginny. I hope you weren't burned too bad!

Sandi said...

On a dark day I bet you can see Mordor with that thing!

DeniseinVA said...

It must be fun to have one of these, not if it's going to hurt your hand though, but sounds like with thanks to Phil's advice you will have an easier time holding it. I can imagine it would be a bit awkward and heavy at first. You took great photos!

Lensball Australia said...

Really impressed with your lensball photography efforts - It's amazing how quickly you can feel the burn when you are in full sunlight!

thusha said...

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