Saturday, August 10, 2019

The Crane

Earlier this week, we saw a Sandhill Crane! This was a huge surprise for me. I have always wanted to see one, but never have until now. There are no Sandhill Cranes in this area, so who knows where he came from. Maybe just to see me? He was in a field quite far away from the road, that is why my pictures aren't very sharp.

“Cranes carry this heavy mystical baggage. They’re icons of fidelity and happiness. The Vietnamese believe Cranes cart our souls up to heaven on their wings.
Mitchell Burgess


DeniseinVA said...

How exciting! That must have been quite a surprise for you. I remember seeing them in Yellowstone once but that’s been a few years back now.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now I am wondering just how he got way up there.. I know you nearly passed out from excitement. if you could see a flock of them together you would pass out... they are beautiful.... hope he gets back down here before the snow and ice come.

Nancy Chan said...

What a pleasant surprise for you! Maybe the crane was on a mission sent to visit you in answer to your heart's desire. Have a blessed Sunday!

Ruth Hiebert said...

They are quite impressive birds. I was able to get a few shots of several of them yesterday as well.I need to load them to my computer.

Chatty Crone said...

I am SHOCKED - how did he get up there? Is that right? Very interesting. Sandie

Sandi said...

"Maybe just to see me?"

I think this is it!


From the Kitchen said...

Sand Hill cranes come to a spot (Jasper Pulaski Preserve) about forty miles from us to rest during their migration. We've gone several times to see them each November. We get there early enough and wait. Soon the sky is filled with them coming from all directions. Quickly the ground fills up with thousands and thousands of them. They rest there until the next day and off they go--rising simultaneously into the sky.


Sue said...

Beautiful sight just for you,Thanks for sharing

Hootin Anni said...

It definitely traveled to see YOU!!

Rose said...

I love seeing has been a while for me. Sometimes they fly over here, but not often. I love hearing them, too. So glad you finally got to see one.

Ann said...

What a treat. He had to be there just for you

Buttercup said...

Fabulous photographs! I wish you could come to the Metropolitan Museum with me, too. Photographs without flash are allowed. I took a number of picture yesterday and will post them this week. Have a gerat week!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

What a wonderful surprise that must have been. I love the red eye.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I’ve never seen one before that I remember. We do have a beach in nearby Ipswich, MA called Cranes beach because of the cranes though.

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