Friday, August 9, 2019


Tonight was a kind of rare sight. Jupiter was very close to the moon. and close to earth too. And here they are taken from our car.

Jupiter kind of looks like a white pizza. I want a telescope!

But the moon, ahh... that is a different story. Beautiful as ever.

"Weather forecast for Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt: cloudy with a chance of ammonia."

 Heidi Hammel


Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Amazing images Ginny. I am back from my travels at least for a little while so thank you for your comments during that time when I could not comment. Have a fabulous weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the last two, they show the closeup details. excellent shots and I do see Jupiter

Hootin Anni said...

Oh Ginny...and to think our weatherman on the local news informed us of Jupiter...and I completely forgot! These are great.

Ann said...

These are fantastic. I can never manage to get good pictures of the moon and you not only photograph the moon perfectly but you've accomplished other planets as well. I should have gone out and tried to spot it last night.

Sue said...

WOW, such great photos, thanks for sharing.

Small Kucing said...

wow... so clear . I didnt know it's so near this time of the year

Sandi said...

So amazing. Imagine being there, just walking around...

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Wow so cool. Lately I am watching many space documents on PBS as we get it here via Buffalo, NY. Still recall the moon walk 50 years ago .

Gayla said...

I am glad to see these cool photos. I think a telescope would be fun, too. I am a moon lover...

Chatty Crone said...

Thank you for sharing - I would never get to see it other wise!

DeniseinVA said...

Goodness, you took amazing photos Ginny. They are so detailed! Great shots!

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful moon captures!!

L. D. said...

The moon sure changed quickly from when I last took the shot. I tried to zoom on the planet but just could get it. Sometimes I can. You have great moon shots.

LV said...

I usually take a walk each evening, I saw this awesome sight but did not know about what it represented. I thought it so unusual there was only one star that I could. Glad you shared your information and great photos.

George said...

You did a great job with all of your night photos. The moon is spectacular. I hope you can get a telescope soon!

Rose said...

Fabulous captures of the moon...

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